New_Iso ago

@Tits_out_forTheBoys You're a fuck.

Grifter42 ago

He only responds if you ping his alt PeaceSeeker.

Grifter42 ago

Oh, look: An official response from King Cuck, defacto ruler of the site.

Like I give a shit what your perception of the public opinion is of me.

The fact is, I know you're up to, and what you and yours have done to the site.

It was obvious from the moment you faggots accepted your 300 shekels from Hecho.

Tell me, Kev: Is the real Putt tied up in your basement, or was he an alt of you larping Shareblue fucks all along?

goatboy ago

Is that a new @she alt? I though I we scared that little shit off years ago.

Artofchoke ago

WHY. WHY do they come here! Just go do this on Reddit where nobody minds! You can't do this here and not be called out, so you must be seeking this in some weird internet masochism type deal.

alalzia ago

A mod of v/european is accused of acting like a fascist .... oh well ....

Cheesebooger ago

Test Am I still banned from here?

Edit: yay I'm not.

Love_Monger ago

Oh, don't get all bent out of shape. @Tits_out_forTheBoys isn't wrong. Mods do have more privileges than regular users. That's an intrinsic part of the position. It also goes without saying that they also have more responsibilities than the average user.

Don't get so hyped up on mod hate that you lose your objectivity. I don't know if you all know this, but, believe it or not, content on Voat does need to be curated from time to time. It's usually not a problem on larger subs with broad categories, like v/funny, but on more niche subs mods are required to keep things on topic.

No one seems to bat an eye when v/FatPeopleHate bans users or deletes comments or submissions that are off topic to the sub. Hell, @NoMoreMrNiceGoy founded v/NoJewsAllowed specifically to arbitrarily ban Jews and Jewish sympathizers and Marxists no matter what sub they're posting in.

Remember that when a sub changes hands, people get hyper critical of "mod abuses." Then users, many of whom would never otherwise frequent the sub, flood in and start spamming the sub with bullshit. Some of it is over the top nonsense, and some of it is specifically designed to be ify and get deleted, thus causing outrage.

A lot of users are doing the equivalent of kicking a hornets nest and then acting incredulous when they get stung. And all along the hornets were just minding their own business.

Actually, no, it's more like they've found a hornets nest that's minding it's own business and they pick it up and throw it onto a conference table and say, "Get a load of these fuckers- they're stinging us. The nerve!"

TheTrigger ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

You forgot to mention the PG subs.

They're so bad that very post starts off as "This is PG related because..."

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Haha, "mad pg fags".

What an odd criticism, that a sub about a particular topic requires posts to be related to that particular topic.

Complaining about that, and about downvotes is a very reddit thing to do, so maybe we'll see you there.

zeta-cross-alpha ago

maybe you should concentrate on yourself kevdude. this is witch hunting @puttitout

Astupidname69 ago

Yet another Reddit tier jew mod acts like a Reddit tier jew mod, color me shocked.

TheTrigger ago

What a fag; bitch needs to lay off the soy.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Interesting how accounts like and are old accounts with less than 5 comments each and suddenly come out to attack critics of Tits_out_forTheBoys.

Not saying their his alts, but they're probably his alts.

New_Iso ago

This is what I come to Voat for. Pretty sure shit like this would have been deleted, or shadow banned for elsewhere.

ovix ago

Down with mod privileges! Power to the people! We have nothing to loose but our chains! Who's with me?!

kikeleh1488 ago

You anti-authoritarian fags are more totalitarian than anyone else. You sticky this post just because this guy won't bend to your harassment? Go fuck yourself.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Holy shit, what a faggot you are.

It's Friday night and here you are bitching about how someone won't change their online activity just because you whined about it.

Sorry to tell you but the world doesn't revolve around the whims of betaphags. I reaffirm my previous statement which someone else already quoted in this comment section:

You are so obsessed with this idea that you will never achieve anything noteworthy in life.

freshmeat ago

This is a witch-hunt. Anything kev stickies in here is him butt hurt. He bitches about mods he doesnt know, then defends cancer mods from Pizzagate and others. He is a hypocritical flaming faggot.

albatrosv14 ago

So you are telling that.... all it takes to unmask the srs is to know who is kevdude?

freshmeat ago

Kev is their useful idiot

albatrosv14 ago

Okay, who then?

zeta-cross-alpha ago

you mean @kevdude sticky about him being banned up for a month.

not to mention I was positive ccp until @kevdude commented to my post in sbbh

you see @kevdude you are fake

but alas, i've given up on voat.

Obeastiality ago

But they do though...

goatsandbros ago

I came in thinking this, but reading the comment op linked to makes it clear that tit is a huge cunt. Te quotation doesn't capture this too well.

heygeorge ago

Tots is a faggot, in many ways a comparable replacement for Retard Rambo.

Grifter42 ago

Ah, why not go and accuse everyone who calls out you brigading faggots as being the same person, sanegoat?

heygeorge ago

That's not really my style, dipstick. Were you a bit* more observant perhaps you would notice that.

You would also notice, if you've stopped by Soapbox & Banhammer (v/SoapboxBanhammer), some irony re: your absurd accusation.


notyouraveragellama ago

Don't bother, @grifter42 is basically a black hole made of butthurt.

heygeorge ago

Watch as you may become accused of being part of the cabal!

notyouraveragellama ago

Too late for that, and I've already given up being reasonable with him.

Grifter42 ago

Huh, a subverse devoted to brigading and harassing people that is run by the same people who run the fuckin' laughably named "ProtectVoat" sub, and who are all heavily involved with testing the site.

Gee, I wonder if there might be some conflict of interest there.

You make a mockery of things because you can't honestly respond to what I've said.

heygeorge ago

What you choose to say makes a mockery of itself with our without intervention.

Grifter42 ago

Ah, the classic SBBH tactic of no rebuttal but ad hominem.

heygeorge ago

State an assertion if you'd like a rebuttal. Provide evidence or do not expect it to be dismissed without.

Grifter42 ago

What. you want me to provide a link to /v/protectvoat, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, and /v/VoatDev?

heygeorge ago


Grifter42 ago

Oh, go fuck yourself. It's just a coincidence, I suppose, that the moderators of the top three subs involved in botting are the same people?

Grifter42 ago

What, you post a recursive link and expect that to win the argument?

Or are you just trying to bait me into posting so your fucking goons can mass downvote me?

heygeorge ago



I tried to give a friendly reminder of how we do things on voat we'll see what happens.

goatsandbros ago

I made a polite comment that states that things might be better if her term as mod ends soon.

Grifter42 ago

What, soft censorship?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No, we call them niggers until they stop acting like niggers.

Grifter42 ago

Yeah, you do that when SRS has coopted the site, and uses nigger like the SJWs use nazi.

You think they share our ideology? No. They're the JIDF. They don't give a fuck about you or me, or anyone in America. All they care about is honeypot propaganda. And they've run this site into the ground.

But you've got it all figured out.


I hope not.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

You are so obsessed with this idea that you will never achieve anything noteworthy in life.

Ok I seriously Lol'd at this. How big of a loser do you have to be to think someone's online idea's effect them in the real world?

Also you can tell they think being a mod on a website makes them "a big deal". @Tits_out_forTheBoys is a giant fucking faggot.

billyvvinz ago

@Tits_out_forTheBoys is a giant fucking faggot.

You are so obsessed with this idea that you will never achieve anything noteworthy in life. Who can say that with a straight face?

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Says the random guy who's apparently obsessed with what I say. Actions speak louder than words, faggot.

MrPim ago

Enjoy your acct while you can still use it dickbag. You honestly think being a mod is accomplishing something w your life. Sad, very sad. And now we're going to fuck this account until you cant mod anymore.


Being a mod also raises my self esteem. But I don't powermod, I am a responsible mod.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago


Owner of v/LGBTQCelebration

A literal faggot

TheTrigger ago

You're so smart. How can I become as smart as you? Please tell me your secrets.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Well the first step would be for the balls to crawl out of your mangina.

TheTrigger ago

And +1 for the voat auto-immune response. Fags don't understand how it works, and it's hilarious.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Go back to Reddit or Tumblr if you want to start powertripping, because you clearly don't belong here.

Everyone on Voat thinks that moderators should be held to a higher minimum standard, and held accountable for any failures to live up to those standards. If you can't see that, then you should just step away from your mod position before you taint the entire subverse you currently "moderate"/"treat like your personal toilet".

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Telling autistic spergs to fuck off isn't power tripping, it's standard social interaction.

If you can't see that, then I suggest you leave the basement and step outside.

ruck_feddit ago

Guys, you hurt his fee fees!

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

Says the random guy who's apparently obsessed with what I say.

Followed the link @kevdude provided and made a comment on how pathetic you are. You thinking I'm obsessed with you only shows how right I am.

TheTrigger ago

And here you are: replying.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Lol, you anti-social retard. Tell us, what does the act of replying to a comment signify?

Nothing. Nothing at all. You need to go outside.


You know very well what it means.

And this game will not work with us.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Yeah, I do. It means nothing.

What "game" are you talking about? Sorry I'm not familiar with the betaphag mindset, please explain it for me.


Oh I was just trying to be alpha practice makes perfect.

How did I do?


Tits_out_forTheBoys ago


Owner of v/LGBTQCelebration








Whoa there mr sir easy on the harsh language

@kevdude can I be a mod here for a week? Internship?

U know I'm a nice mod.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You two faggots should get a room.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Funny because you're the one siding with him on this issue.

Be honest, if you actually had a dick you'd be ramming it in his ass you queer.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Agreeing with someone on one thing doesn't mean you can't also think they are a niggerfaggot that needs to be given a free helicopter ride.


I tried once you probably wouldn't appreciate the details though. It was very humiliating for me to be rejected.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

Tell us, what does the act of replying to a comment signify?

That's funny. You seemed to think earlier that it meant someone was obsessed.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Not what I said and I didn't imply it either. Serious question are you retarded?

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

Serious question. You didn't say this:

Says the random guy who's apparently obsessed with what I say.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Right and that was based on the content of your reply, not the fact that you made a reply.

To reiterate:

Serious question are you retarded?

TheTrigger ago

How does it feel to have so much cognitive dissonance, in your head, at the same time? I always pictured it to be like making yourself really dizzy, while simultaneously trying to fap.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Trying hard not to cringe about some random faggot on the internets being obsessed with me. Do the world a favor and rope yourself.

TheTrigger ago

Lol, you suck at this; almost as bad as your mom. Try harder, fgt.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Acting like a mongoloid on the internet, in order to feel cool, is the true sign of a beta faggot. Whine some more you fucking queer.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

Oh there you go with someone replying to a comment being obsessed again. Funny, didn't you just say replies meant nothing?

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

I never said that. Also, way to reply with a non-argument after being called a faggot. Suffocate on a dick.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

It's pointless to argue with retards. To do so I'd have to bring myself down to your level. I don't feel like huffing paint tonight.

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

Way to describe what it's like to communicate with an idiot like you and then pretend like that's on me. Go to bed and please never wake up.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

Did it hurt when your mom dropped you?

heygeorge ago

It had to be far more than a single drop.

ExpertShitposter ago

I will show you how you have no life by replying to every single person in the thread with an insult over the internet. Take that!

Tits_out_forTheBoys ago

How does it feel to be such a faggot irl that you have to act like a mongoloid on the internet in order to feel cool?