HomerSimpson ago

When I brought this up during the whole April fools shit your owner pulled you acted as if that was the first time you heard it? Now you recall that it was addressed during the time slimgr was still making statements and addressing concerns.

I have always addressed the slimgr fiasco my history proves this.

You want to sweep it under the rug?

No? I actively tell people about it when they ask about verifying on FPH.

Fine your circus and your monkeys but what is also strange is that it seems without your special verification flair your community doesn't take anything said by someone.

I don't disagree with your statement and I disagree with the community on this issue.

Last week you had several stories submitted by accounts with zero post history and two I saw were devoid of comment history. Yet they were 2 year old accounts that lay dormant till get some a that scp and CCP.

Would like to note that people can delete their history at any time as well as this is more of a Voat issue than an FPH issue. I can't check every user's profile for suspect posting. We heavily rely on users to report stuff to us.

You addressed it during the April fools fiasco when that user said fuck you. She also said it didn't matter to her because it was already done.

Because I wasn't aware of a specific user being targeted and I didn't recall them bringing it up to the mod team. My statement still stands from the April fools fiasco. It was 1 of a few things and none of it was the mods directly.

Imagine if something were to happen to her because of it?

And as I have said in every thread concerning verification. I am against it in every way. The cult mentality. The amount of mod work it makes me have to do. And most of all the personal information that you must give out to even get verified.

No that would mean you assume liability. Better to distance yourself as far from it as possible and pretend it didn't happen with anyone that brings it up with quotes and cleaver worded responses to shift discussion.

I don't doubt it happened. I am saying it happened under certain circumstances that were beyond my or the mod team's control.

Something is up with your shit and one day you will slip up. Might not be me that catches you, but I sure as fuck hope it is.

I don't know what you are on about on this part though. Can you clarify?

HomerSimpson ago

As I said my word against yours.

Then you added "but I haven't had a breach like we all know your team has." which just isn't true.

Let's ask @dietcokehead about if you had a breech in your methods?

Sure as fuck wasn't us. We have already addressed this with them.

One I can prove and you will claim blah blah the host and whatever else,

Except the host has already accepted responsibility for it and even made a thread about it if I recall correctly.

but it did happen and on your watch.

You are right. And we have already made a statement on it when it occurred.

You won't accept any of the blame

Yes we do? Because we allowed certification in the first place which is what caused the issue. If verification never existed it would never have happened. But that does not change the fact that despite us implementing verification it still falls under the host of the website and the user's responsibility for these images.

course even after the image host was created by one of your own members.

We currently have 35,000 subscribers. We have already addressed this with the host. We had made them fix it. Which they did. And they made a response post about it as well as us. So, I am not sure what else we could do to have stopped this when we have had literally 0 control over the site in question. Being one of our members or not is irrelevant.

HomerSimpson ago

Was told by an ex Reddit admin it happened twice on Reddit and they were forced to deal with it and the FPH moderators.

No they didn't. Because it never happened on reddit.

I get it is my word against yours, but I haven't had a breach like we all know your team has.

You are making claims that aren't true.

HomerSimpson ago

Can you point me to some of the FPH threads you were referring to?

HomerSimpson ago

FPH has been screwed for a long time. Numerous times their verification pics have been leaked and posted all of the net with screenames.

One time. And it was out of the mod's control. @HateCumBuckets since you are in this chain.

HateCumbuckets ago

How did it happen. Did someone hack the image host or something? I know you and TPW like a good troll, but I knew you guys wouldn't shit on your users like that.

HomerSimpson ago

No. The creators just had an afterthought and made all images posted to the site published to the public viewing gallery by default. Which then a bunch of angry people decided to round up all images they can find and make an album of them or rather, cherry picked the worse images to make themselves feel better.

This was fixed fairly quickly however damage was done already. One of the reasons I am against verifications by our users because leaks like this can happen, that and people shouldn't be trusting random people on the internet with personal pictures of themselves. We get rid of images after first viewed but you guy's don't know that. And you should always have the presumption we keep these images whether we do or don't.

JohnCStevenson ago

There is no ShareBlue organization. It is merely an unaffiliated website meant to contact the spread of fake news in today's world.

If you're concerned about an actual issue, let's talk about how you flaired my thread as "Troll" and let people bombard the post to a -226 rating. That's not very nice.

surprisecockfag ago

Maybe this is just me, but I think v/fatpeoplehate has been compromised for a while now.

HomerSimpson ago

By who? The mods can all verify they are the same mods from reddit.

HateCumbuckets ago

I don't think I've got to much to worry about then. My pic died with slimg.

HateCumbuckets ago

How many times have verification pics been leaked? I have only ever seen one other users pics. u/Dietcokehead used to come up on google if you looked at images after searching for fph.

HateCumbuckets ago

I can't say I have seen anything out of the ordinary on fph, except for a few extra downvotes.

Samsquamch ago

You actually bring up a very good point. They attack "outsiders", which I assume is part of why they are being targeted. I hope they don't change a single piece of who they are though. If FPH wants to hate fatties, let them hate fatties. If Ident wants to be pro-white, let them be pro-white. That's what free speech is all about.

Samsquamch ago

So you overpaid. That's too bad, I really wish you the best with your future shill-posting. Don't expect the rest of us to believe you, though.

Samsquamch ago

How much did you pay for that account? Just curious on the sale price of a 2-month old Voat account.