IiIIy ago

it's site and orbit.. hence anonymoose used software called "Low Orbit Ion Canon" to nuke sites with their leejun.. A ref to the famous quote from the movie "Illegals".

harddrive ago

Rejected :'(

harddrive ago

I requested /v/illegaltorrents

Grifter42 ago

SaneGoat did nothing wrong.

Womb_Raider ago

Okay, he definitely abused the TIL mod position. @SaneGoatiSwear banned me for saying "please don't become pro-censorship", which I think is clear-cut abuse, but he did eventually go back on his decision and unban myself and others.

Supposedly he was 'defending the sub' from brigades and such, but in reality, I think he was defending his own ego at the expense of the sub...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

false cause

i didn't

go back

on any decision

you were part of an organized assault on the sub to abuse it to harass a user.

you were temporarily banned as a way to combat the organized spamming of the sub with harassment posts.

shill shilling

Talc ago

false cause

misaquote, or outright lie. Nowhere in the quoted post do the words "false cause" appear.

shill shilling

misaquote, or outright lie. Nowhere in the quoted post do the words "shill shilling" appear.

Warning, above poster is a known shill and liar, attempts to gaslight what you say by misquoting.

Womb_Raider ago

I wasn't 'part of an organized assault' you blithering idiot, I made a single comment that was in no way negative. I asked you not to endorse censorship.

If you think being a voice of anti-censorship is shilling, you're a piece of shit.

Talc ago

I made a single comment once as well, the cancermod downvoted me into -ccp for it, been calling out the censorious cancermod ever since.

Womb_Raider ago

Maybe he has abused his position, but he met the requirements as far as I understand them...

I am upset every time Sane is given a 'verse, but if he meets the requirements, is it right to deny him? I didn't meet the requirements for /v/Haredeenee and I stated so in my request, so I wasn't surprised mine was rejected.

What requirement did you not make to get /v/coontown?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

da fuq? you brought me into this.

i evenly moderate v/til by the community's rules, in a private sub. it's a fine line, but if it was @grifter42 or you @adhdferret getting harassed/attacked/defamed by a massive influx of shitposts and near-posts designed to bait.... i would do the same thing: delete the rule-breaking posts as evenly as i could, and temporarily ban the rulebreakers for a time until they cool off, so that the sub itself can be enjoyed by viewers without the abuse of the sub.

as of today, all bans have been lifted (again).

v/reportshills is now up and running pretty well. shills getting called out and proven.


ad homenim

there, shill.

Talc ago

ad homenim

This is a lie, or deliberately deceptive misquote. The words "ad hominem" do not appear in the quoted submission

SaneGoatiSwear is a liar, deliberately misquoting in an attempt to gaslight.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

and temporarily ban the rulebreakers for a time until they cool off

You know full well you banned people for "insulting" (or just disagreeing with) you in different fucking subverses.

I called you out in the /v/whatever thread and the next thing i see in my PM box is "you've been bannned, reason:attack shill".

don't try to frame this a banning rule breakers, or "moderating by the communities rules" you banned people out of spite despite massive community outcry against you.

Unbanning people after the entire site rises up against you (and the very real possibility of a demoding by the admins) doesn't make everything you did just disappear, especially when your "apology" PM was essentially "play nice or ill ban you again lol".

I use to try and defend you but you've become a pro-censorship authoritarian fuck.

Edit: what no response? not even a "i'm reporting you to the internet police for disagreeing with me...uhh I mean criminal shilling!"

MinorLeakage ago

Yeah this place is headed downhill fast. I'm also sad nothing was ever done about /v/Canada. Just like the real Canada, I doubt anything will be done to save it.

sheepsexplode ago

v/Canada now has a minimum ccp to downvote.

If I remember right this means it will not show up on the front page unless subscribed pretty much killing the sub.

Redditsdead ago

When did that happen?

sheepsexplode ago

About a week ago.

Redditsdead ago

Maybe because it gets PV core users off his back. They leave private subs alone. I quit being a mod because I didn't agree with all of what Haredeenee does. He's not the worst and not curating the sub. I just think he's been backed into a corner with his rules. He should adopt system sub rules. All country based subs should.

Redditsdead ago

Okay. He's gone ban and delete crazy. I support his removal as mod. I will volunteer to be mod again as I believe I proved myself not to be censorous. I'll make a post soon. I'll pm Haredeenee and give him fair heads up too. This is getting silly.

MinorLeakage ago

Canadian's will likely continue to see if /v/Canada is a thing, and new users won't know the history.

When I was diagnosed with cancer I checked to see if /v/Cancer was a thing. It's just a thing people do with brand-name subs. They shouldn't be left for assholes to turn into their personal little safe space.

sheepsexplode ago

My thoughts exactly. How is a new user expected to consult a list of compromised subs? v/Canada should not belong to a single entity. It would make sense to have multiple mods on subs that represent a large geographical area.

Womb_Raider ago

It says next to the post "rejected"... @puttitout answered my sub request swiftly, mine was rejected as well. While I don't necessarily agree with @SaneGoatiSwear getting /v/reportshills, wasn't it a 'legal' transfer? Sane met the requirements and wanted the sub... were you given any reasoning as to why you were ineligible for /v/coontown?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

maybe it has something to do with adhdferret's sentiments here: https://voat.co/v/Coonshire/1073272

or the fact that in the past year he's requested v/coontown at least twice, but hasn't posted a single fucking post to it, going back over 1.4 years in his submission history.

i doubt he has a single comment in the sub,

i highly doubt he has the ccp in the sub (it's got over 1000 subscribers).

and he DEFINETLY has not posted 2 posts in the sub in month leading up to each request.


he's requesting a sub he's shown no desire to meaningfully participate in.

i suggest he has ill intent, and may be the user that keeps letting in sub-wreckers to v/niggers. - - that's conjecture, fine, but it could, with a few more puzzle pieces other goats more aware of this ongoing issue than i could fill in, could be the end of a logical deduction.

answer me this, voat-history-goats: was adhdferret a mod every time v/niggers got rekt?

also, this could have nothing to do with the sub (doubtful) and be more just an attack on me. lol silly shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@grifter42 @greensmoke

witness adhdferret complaining about not getting modship of a sub he has no posts in for over 1.4 years. (requirement for being mod of a sub: at least 2 posts and 2 comments in the month prior) lol.

using it as a jumping off point to attack me. keku demands witnesses.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

witness adhdferret complaining about not getting modship of a sub he has no posts in for over 1.4 years. (requirement for being mod of a sub: at least 2 posts and 2 comments in the month prior) lol.

it's a fucking anon sub, his posts there don't show up in his profile.

sheepsexplode ago

We still have no action on v/Canada 's mod.

Sub request denied

Current mod's response