Tor1 ago

Happened to me too. One of the mods here got brigaded so he created an alt. They instadelete rather than allow the votes to curate content.

At least one mod posts a comment like he's a regular and then deletes submission right after.

Makes you wonder how many users there are alts, whole sub might not be as popular as it seems.

Easy to block this astroturfed subverse, not a big deal.

Crensch ago

Keep telling yourself that while pretending it's for my benefit.

Crensch ago

Pretty sure you're not a threat because your position is one based in delusion.

Crensch ago

Pretty sure my words are accurate to the situation, but feel free to use reality to prove me wrong, as your delusions don't actually help you there.

Crensch ago

Cocky bastard homosexual, you need your ass kicked.

You need a bigger vocabulary.

Your desperation is amusing though.

You project a lot.

Crensch ago

Good lord you repeat this shit so much you probably actually believe it.

Not an argument.

Oh suuuure now you are going to claim you supported trump right? LOL.

... I have a comment and submission history for the things in the past that I mention, unlike you.

Don't worry, someone is definitely logging the interactions you think are so private ;)

Sounds like a threat. Guess I'll go make another cup of tea.

Crensch ago

It always boils down to this doesn't it?

... What exactly is it supposed to boil down to?

It's weird how the only people who can prove it is required by law to prevent people from finding out. Maybe those laws will change soon and that would explain your desperation.


Everyone knows Pizzagate mods are SRS and pedos.

No, shills, CTR, and other COINTEL outfits push that because they do not currently have a stranglehold on the place.

All you are doing that is making it obvious in this thread and trust me despite you or the random SRS that might downvoat me, most people are thinking the same thing.

And Hillary was a shoe-in for presidency.

Hold on, I have to laugh at this some more:

It always boils down to this doesn't it?


Of course it does, faggot.

Crensch ago

Making shit up.

Seems to be contagious around here, though I posit that the person mirroring in response to baseless accusations is far less suspect.


More of what appears to be projection.

Implying you didn't specifically come up with that counter argument to protect your pedo mods.

Accusations about the mods fly around and yet the mods that actually did something wrong were removed, and those that are merely following the rules still get those kinds of accusations despite there never being any evidence of misconduct in any way.

PG has pedo mods? Cool, prove it.

Crensch ago

Original account is deleted but at least you admitted you were just saying that for the sake of being a faggot.

Of course it is, because you're the shill you're accusing me of being. I didn't say it for no reason - have a comment history that people can peruse and compare with your current words, or get treated like the shit-tier user you are.

If you are going to be that meticulous over Pizzagate dont be surprised when people easily realize you are a pedo shill.

Are you aware of the kinds of people that accuse the mods there of being pedo shills? I am. I know exactly what and who they are. You belong with them.

Crensch ago

shut up faggot it's obvious what your motives are.

Maybe, but you've not shown yourself smart enough to figure them out.

The fact you are involved with the mod team here and there is very damning.

I went there to force the PG mods to adhere to an objective set of rules instead of subjective curating of their favorite narratives.

I guess that is what persistence results in.

I was one of the only people on Voat at the time that considered PG to be a worthy endeavor, and worked to keep other Voaters from destroying the place with mass downvotes.

Ill give you shills credit for that.

You've not shown yourself smart enough to figure out what a shill is and is not.

Crensch ago

SRS account date meme.

Even kikes can be right about some things, I guess. Hide behind sock-puppet accounts, get treated like a sock-puppet account.

You can pretend to be ignorant, people obviously agree with me.

No, people upvoted your anti-PG clickbait title. Had anyone taken a look at the contents, they'd have seen that you're just shitposting.

Crensch ago

Lol do people still fall for this shit?

Apparently you fall for a narrative far more absurd on the other end of the spectrum.

Look at the votes you low IQ homosexual.

Yeah, gotten before I came in and destroyed your little bitchfit.

Obviously it was interesting and you know it.

No, it was upvoted because people liked the title.

It's someone bringing something to attention that you didn't initiate attention over.

It's you misrepresenting everything, including your belief that you had a valid complaint.

That makes you a jealous SRS cunt.

No, it makes you a clickbait-title master. Congratulations.

It really shows in your behaviors as well.

You're not really very good at this armchair Freud thing you've got going on.

Crensch ago

First off you sound triggered,

I pretty much am always intense with my writing, but nice tone fallacy on your first point.

secondly that @she incident was overblown horseshit and that tranny never left. You are a fuckin shill through and through.

As a username that's only been here 4 months, I don't believe you have any authority with which to speak on the matter.

Crensch ago

You really want to stick to the narrative PG mods aren't co-opted?

I'm not. That's pretty good reason to believe we aren't co-opted.

That's for the community to decide, not stupid faggots like you.

No, that's for reality to decide, since it doesn't give a shit about you or your delusions.

Oh believe me i have, just not here where the pedo's run the sub

Then nobody cares about you.

Crensch ago

I bring things to people's attention, and it usually works when faggots like yourself don't interfere.

Because you're wrong, and I bring that to people's attention.

This wasn't a shit post, you are just another SRS scrub.

Yeah, it was. Your idea is shit, your argument is shit, you put zero effort into anything here... you deserve nothing less.

Put some effort into your posts on pizzagate, and come up with something reasonable to say here.

Crensch ago

I'm one of the original people that destroyed @she and all her supporters here. I'm a motherfucking founding member of PV for a damn good reason.

I don't give two fucks about you or your hurt feelings. Post within the rules, or fuck off.

Crensch ago

Nobody else adheres to anything resembling your narrative. Nobody else finds your words compelling in any way.

Try harder.

Crensch ago

Absolutely nothing of investigative value was posted. It was a clickbait question title which itself is not against the rules, but every time I've come across one, it's someone pointing at something and asking a leading question without having any supporting information whatsoever.

If you think there's a link, find it, then repost with that information.