Tor1 ago


Tor1 ago

WTF? Is he a Sane Goat alt?

You've been banned from v/dozenal :(

@ taKe has banned you from v/Dozenal for the following reason: shill

Disappointed ago

He's trying to divide and conquer and set himself up as the one true Saviour. Idiots like @taKe are gullible enough to accept his list with no evidence. Might as well hold up a sign saying he is a moron.

Disappointed ago

He is following this:

i call for all subs not run by shills to - for one week - ban the users on the megalist just to give actual goats a space to discuss what to do, and have a shill-free experience for a few days (or hours until the shills make shit tons of alts to continue maintaining their control these bans will cause them to lose)

digitalentity1497 ago

I got it too lol. Never visited the sub. Oh well. I guess some free speech is better than others. I blocked the sub and Take. Moving along.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Looking at @Turtlesarepureevil , and I'm not really seeing someone who "barely has a presence on Voat". Member for a shorter time than me, and has 22K SCP and even more CCP than I do. 2 of his top-5 submission subs are in the triple-digits on submissions, and he's submitted just short of 3,500 comments.

Also, I was also banned from the same sub. I have a theory as to why this is happening, which I expounded upon here.

ginganinja ago

I just got a message saying the same. Finally, banned from a sub indiscriminately.

Also, if a sub bans indiscriminately, would you even want to post there anyway?

yesyesyesyesyes ago


Faustian ago

Sane's banlist? Welcome back crackerjack.

1moar ago

He's been here over 2.5 years. Hard to tell. Doesn't comment a lot considering length of time.

MrPim ago

I think you're right about the SaneGoat list. I just got a ban notice from taKe for reason Shill. And I know I'm on SaneGoats list, but I've never even heard of the sub I'm banned from. (W all of four subscribers)

TH3_1D10T ago

I'm more surprised that you were away for two whole days.

you-are-me ago

Meh, banned me as shill for posting pics about HUGE Canadian Sand Diggers to v/whatever.

Probably just a sand digger.

1moar ago

Same here. Both he and sane have accused me of being a shill, which I find hilarious really.

maelask3 ago

Yep. I was in Sane's long-ass-list-of-shills. Got banned from v/Dozenal, which is a completely dead sub, because "shill". Just some tactics to fuck around and cause unnecessary drama, I guess.

Bonechip ago

Same here.