guinness2 ago

This is how he spends Valentines Day...

8046129? ago

Yeah, the idiot is spamming half the threads on the fronpage using this technique. He had a few hours of civility when he feared putt would kick him from TIL/ban his ass, but after the announcement post went up he as back more retarded than ever.

Redditsdead ago

Because we're persecuting him for absolutely no reason! No reason besides the fact that we are all confirmed, paid shills. Sane is the only legit user on this site. Doncha know?

MrPim ago

But he said Final Megapost?!

Redditsdead ago

He's pissed he can't farm his upvoats and is baiting us into nuking his account so he can bitch about that.

VicariousJambi ago

I realize that. Looks to me like he's trying to prevent that.

Good thing there's v/theshillshack which has shit loads of proof to argue against him when he claims he's pro free speech.

VicariousJambi ago

Here's a regular link: by the time you read this he's probably done it again.