Techius ago

None of my alts are banned.

brandon816 ago

Heard that AC-10 "BRRRRRRT" sound when I saw the part at the bottom.

Well, at least we know where those SGS DV's were coming from. 11 "OAC_" accounts, same format as "LORD_SPARTICUS_", each with exactly 90 CCP. Taking into account for these accounts getting their votes stripped away, they were likely all in the "allow DV's" range before the change.

Ina_Pickle ago

They banned Jesus. Multiple times. This belongs on v/ImGoingtoHellforThis

pembo210 ago

"json formatter" browser extension makes these voat api lists easier to read

here's a formatted view - ::

AlwaysInService ago

Damn. That's a lot of alts... And some are not even trying (cygnus, Spartacus, JesusofNazareth) to cover their tracks

guinness2 ago

Amalek must be on suicide watch wherever he is.

I'm looking forward to hearing from Amalek about how this is just stage two in his master plan to dominate us all.

(Stage one was having the entire Voat community hate and dismiss him completely)

guinness2 ago


'Tis like Christmas.

guinness2 ago

What about /u/CryptoJewX and /u/JewkakkleX - ya know - that user who announced that he was going to attack using down-vote brigading and then attacked /v/All last week... and has a bunch of CCP farms such as /v/JewsLoveMuslims?