mrrabe ago

Zomg i kno i'm such a shill rite?

protectdeeznuts ago

What are the chances if I go through your history I find you talking to Insanegoat in some way?


brigaded2 ago

See, I just read about that user on a side bar. WTF?

mrrabe ago

Sanegoat has a very coordinated downvoat brigade against him right now too, I wouldn't be too sure it was him. Shoot him a message and ask him yourself instead going along with the Lynch mob, I am pretty sure he is a radical free speech supporter at heart.

protectdeeznuts ago

He downvote brigades users with low CCP who he suspects or doesn't like.

brigaded2 ago

I had ~50 CCP when this started. I was here for <48 hours. What this fuck is with this web site?

protectdeeznuts ago

You also had -127 an hour ago and now have -45

Every website has assholes like Insanegoat.

brigaded2 ago

What's the deal? It wasn't even over by posting from imgur, just the users being an asshat?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

just the users being an asshat?

it's just sanegoatIswear

Don't worry, puttitout just pushed an update today that will allow better detection of brigades using bot accounts together with a warning that use of vote bots will be bannable from this point on.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's one user who seems to have a shit ton of accounts, he's also not the most emotionally stable person

protectdeeznuts ago

He thinks people who use imgur are shills. He probably thinks that because you got SCP so fast you are a shill. So he went and downvoted your account. There's no point trying to guess the motives of a madman.

Talc ago

It'll be 1 user with 4 accounts. Open yourself another 10 accounts and do the same right back.

brigaded2 ago

So Voat admins don't look into brigading? That sucks.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we only have one admin at the moment and he's overworked

Disappointed ago

They are actually. @PuttItOut is very busy but he might see this. You could also send them a PM.

Talc ago

maybe they're looking into it, maybe they're not, but nothing was done about it when I was brigaded so I figure the answer is to arm myself to do the same right back.

1moar ago

Don't post imgur links. I didn't brigade, rather I posted archive versions. Idk what else happened, stick around and get the vibe of things. At the same time, some people have no lives. You'll be aight.

brigaded2 ago

Yeah I didn't realize Voat's hatred of imgur, but that doesn't explain the issue with comments. If they hated the posts, wouldn't they hit the posts and not the comments?

Talc ago

Downvoting your comments into -ve causes more restrictions than downvoting your submissions into -ve

1moar ago

Perhaps. There's a couple loose cannons with many alts around. Could be that one person decided they don't like you and tried to run you off the res. Don't take it too hard.

brigaded2 ago

Well, I can't use that account now as I can't vote, post, or even comment.

Disappointed ago

You can comment 10 times every 24 hours. You still get 10 upvotes per day. I think its 3 submissions every 24 hours too.

brigaded2 ago

Honestly, this site isn't worth it.

1WinfieldBlue ago


brigaded2 ago

I left reddit because the admins and mods didn't do anything about harassment and targeting from their users which breaks reddit policy. I find a bunch of subs on here I liked on reddit, and see there hasn't been anything posted for a while. I post a lot of content to help boost the subs and interact with users. Someone gets pissy and prevents me from posting anything else because I used an image hosting site they disapprove of and didn't know that wasn't the preferred image hosting site of voat until after I did all the posting? Wtf.

1WinfieldBlue ago

That fkn sucks man :( don't give up on voat though! Keep up with your account

brigaded2 ago

user/protectdeeznuts just pointed out I had an interaction with u/Insanegoat.

What's the deal?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

dude is a longtime voater that has always been a bit cooky but generally somewhat reasonable, but lately he's been going full reddit levels of cancer out of nowhere accusing anyone who disagrees with him of being a shill, claiming he's going to call the cops on them and then downvoating them dozens of times with alts, and of course banning them from his subverses.

@puttitout, our current only admin is cleaning things up today

1WinfieldBlue ago

Lol I honestly don't involve myself with that nonsense

Disappointed ago

I think it's fine once you get used to it.