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AOU ago

He's still welcome in /v/videos

I warned him several times (in lot of subs) about his bot archiving spammers. He's trying to fix that issue.

Mickgoestojail ago

@Derram let us know whats going on with this, it could help a lot.

derram ago

Not really much I can do. Bot doesn't archiving anything with the word livestream in the url now, but there's no way for me to tell if someone is a spammer or not. If there were the admins would be blocking them.

As I've said in the past, mods are free to remove the comment if the bot has archived spam but I'm not dedicating my life to spam busting.

Mickgoestojail ago

Thanks it will help a bit.

Bot doesn't archiving anything with the word livestream in the url now


Disappointed ago

@First_Post_King - @Cynabuns also had some news about bots now being unable to crawl the deleted sections

@PuttItOut @Atko since @derram is making an effort here can we look to get him unbanned from @system sub v/movies since the mods there are inactive and unlikely to respond soon? See above post and parent.