Disappointed ago

I already made that one a while ago. Even before this I think.

Disappointed ago

But now he uses the @MoeShe account right?

Disappointed ago


You made this list didn't you? "PV" got the blame for this for over a year lol.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Yes. It was based on participation in cabal chat, and participation/co-moderation in cabal subs. If you're just a useful idiot, that still makes you cabal (just stupid cabal).

sdbh is a collective of people who get along and share an irreverent, overly corny, and often disgusting sense of humor. Naturally most of us are left of center because conservatives have no sense of humor.

Why were Leftists staking out Voat since its inception and continued making themselves the most popular "personalities" even though it's a Rightist echo chamber? Why do so many of them post 24/7 if they don't get paid for it? Why do they feel the need to congregate with each other and gobble up powermod positions? Meanwhile Rightists have actual jobs and lives aside from shitposting.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah @sarmegahhikkitha @failure is @disappointed he's not on it.

Disappointed ago

@Failure back then was called @DanielFlamino. I wonder if He got @moe and his alt @Fuzzywords on there though?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

prove flamino is failure

it would explain that one user who added code once who also added code on git to v/failure but whose git name is not failure.

Disappointed ago

I was just pulling about 8 legs at once with that one, I don't really notice enough to guess who is who. @MickgoestoJail might know.

Mickgoestojail ago

There are probably about 10-20 legit users on all the shitposting subs. The rest are alts.

heygeorge ago

I know I'm one, who else is there? :D

How many alts are @Failure?

(Not as if you're a legit non-alt user.)

Mickgoestojail ago

I don't really care about that shit now

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyy lmao aiight coolio. well we'll see what mickey says.

Failure ago

Invalid. I'm not on there

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Neither am I :(

kcamstar ago

I didn't see my name in the list... what's up with that?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i didn't write that. found it.

kcamstar is a confirmed user that shills (probably not for money)

kcamstar ago

For free beer though.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

how valid this is, who knows?