SaneGoatiSwear ago

@kevdude this is a fucking shitpost. i have the same fucking problem. adhdferret, a troll is just attacking me baselessly.

Faustian ago

I have this issue with checking my messages as well-I get an error page sometimes; I just thought it was a voat system issue.

dontdoxxxmebro ago

That kid is such a little faggot.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Don't worry same shits happened to me too. These new dudes and older accounts go on witch hunts a lot. They turn up stuff and then they fall on thier in other instances.

gauss_markov ago

Totally agree. If people come to voat with the expectation that people will be banned left and right, they should stay on Reddit.

Disappointed ago

Marking this unverified until theres proof one way or another.

Disappointed ago

You still can post here no matter how low your CCP is. The "unable to comment" myth has been spread around but its not true.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no no i noticed long ago, i just count it so low-effort it shows up as a 0.00 on the fucks scale.


go write a bio

thewebofslime ago

He has a bunch of alts that he uses in his little downvoting campaign, as well. It would be nice to see that account banned.

antiracistNew ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

go write a bio and i'll tell you.

antiracistNew ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

bag of incongruous objects that could never fit together in the bag.

ahh i feel better.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I agree there's no reasonable way to silence someone everyone has opinions, some push theirs on others, some don't. It's also the internet and I don't think a witch hunt going off a deleted comment works for me. I'll stay on the side lines and watch for now.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

fucking amalek and his alts

Nerobot ago

Theres a thread in v/anontalk about how those two accounts were made a day apart. Probably an alt too.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I got called a shill once. Must be true

Nerobot ago

Lol, they gave one of the biggest subs on Voat to a madman. Good work @puttitout and @atko. Lets get @she back to moderate askvoat while were at it.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

How the hell did anyone trust sanegoat with moderating anything? literally all he does is spam shitposts.

That link is ridiculous, He's deleting submissions because by one incredibly specific interpretation it's title is false despite it being obvious that by all reasonable interpretations it is correct (submission was "largest firework explosion" and it was the largest in terms of both size and amount of explosives, but because it wasn't the most fatal (because it was in the middle of fucking nowhere) it got deleted).

OP of that thread was also a retarded newfag not understanding the vote/voat thing or who Atko was, but he was still less retarded than sanegoat.

antiracistNew ago


Lube-N-Blisters ago

Maybe idk i wanted to hop on this and see where it went.

Von_Neumann ago

I've been having the same problem since this morning. Trying to access my messages produces the Whoops error page. I doubt that @sanegoatiswear is the culprit.

antiracistNew ago

Then wtf did you mean by "after him is you", bitch?

antiracistNew ago

What do you expect the fagmods to do? Bane me from the site, mane?

heygeorge ago

I wondered why you pinged me... And then fuckin LOL! Godammit @adhdferret, cropping, do you use it?!

antiracistNew ago

Nigga that was weeks ago.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@inhysterics this post will put you in hysterics

SaneGoatiSwear ago

dumber than a sack of bricks

SaneGoatiSwear ago

libel/slander is breaking u.s. law, @atko and @puttitout at what point will you hold users accountable to u.s. law? this user has consistenly committed this crime against me, with abandon.

Goater ago

No libel law can hold someone accountable for making anonymous accusations against another anonymous username.

User X saying User Y is a faggot is legally protected free speech that nothing can be done about, thankfully.

Mark A Smith, 43, saying that Tom W Jones, 37, uses sub-spec insulation in his roofing jobs, is libel that could be acted upon, again thankfully.

Memorexem ago

Yeah. No. First. Slander is spoken. In print it's libel.

If Mark a Smith said Ol'Tom Jones used subspec insulation - and he did - then there's nothing he can do. It's the truth. I can also say that I think he's a cock munching faggot, and it's still not slander because you clearly expressed an opinion.

You have to state falsehoods that you attempt to disguise as truths that affect their social standing or livelihoods. That's the difference.

Even if you do take them to court, the pressure is on you to provide proof that it caused you damage.

Goater ago

What are you trying to rebut?

I *didn't define libel or slander, my point was more to do with you can't take anonymous usernames to court.

Also, if it's written online it would be defined as print, therefore libel, so I was right in specifying just libel law.

Second, you've come to the exact conclusion that my examples were meant to provide, why do you think the extra detail in the second example was there?

Memorexem ago

Mark A Smith, 43, saying that Tom W Jones, 37, uses sub-spec insulation in his roofing jobs, is libel that could be acted upon, again thankfully.

Yet that points to the exact opposite? That says I can sue a person for any disparaging remarks. I was specifying to you that the statements must be untrue, not simply negative.

Then the whole him saying it, versus writing it, would be slander, not libel, etc so on so forth.

antiracistNew ago

What did I do?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have also been unable to click into mailbox.

i have to type that web address in manually.

@adhdferret is organizing a disinformation campaign of character assassination against me because he's extremely butthurt.

how butt hurt is this little half breed nigger?

this butthurt lol

antiracistNew ago
