RodentLord ago

average response time for police in the usa is 11 minutes and 6 within a city.

It's for this exact reason I say everyone should own a gun, know how to use it and keep it near them. Doesn't matter where you live. People get murdered in the country every day.

RodentLord ago

You're getting mocked but you're right. I remember back a few years ago I was able to find where some 3rd grader lived, find his parents, get all his personal info. I gave his parents that info so they'd take his xbox away because he wasn't being safe, but it'd've been equally easy to do something bad with that information. I'm just not a bad person.

The sad thing is there are adults that are exactly as frivolous with their personal info as that eight year old was, and they think that just because they're legally considered adults, they're somehow safe putting all that information out. They aren't, though.

As an aside, it's "err on the side of caution".

ilikeskittles ago

Geez I take a few hours off from Voat to have Thanksgiving and someone called the Feds already? Fuck I can't leave you kids alone for a min!

Antiracist10 ago

How was it credible? No one else is taking it seriously precisely because it was not credible.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago


You work for homeland security?

HomerSimpson ago

@kevdude. Your userbase is retarded.

Disappointed ago

Are you trying to say we are the opposite to FPH where the userbase is ok and the mods are retarded?

HomerSimpson ago

Rather be retarded as a mod running intelligent users than a relatively smart mod running retards.

Disappointed ago

Homer did you have to swim into the net that easily?

WhiteRonin ago

IF! He did send it he just outed himself as a racist. I wonder what his boss will say???

WhiteRonin ago

Fruit of the Looms ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

Everything tastes like ass eventually ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

I guess you have to be there to see type of thing??? Lol

Cuckbot ago

Did you really just invite the fucking FBI to Voat over this shit? Amalek has been doing this here forever.