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15385216? ago

v/GreatAwakening owner srayzie spamming v/QRV.
Notice the format. Even the order they're pinging the people they're attempting to link.

15385253? ago

15385380? ago

That's me in the link you posted, but I didn't create this thread, or the comment you replied to. I don't participate in this sub because I'm pretty sure it's a SBBH gaslighting sub.

15385891? ago

I know it's you in the link. Pretty easy when you're one of the three nicknames named, and @NotHereForPizza is sending me funny messages in private (I didn't post in the thread, btw). Their strategy of divide and conquer worked on both of you quite well. You both scrambled to distance yourself from me.

This sub is aligned with Q-only. I created this thread in v/ProtectQRV. My alignment is with the United States [Republic] and no other organization, society, or group, because Q is aligned with the United States Republic.

I won't take offense to you thinking this is a SBBH gaslighting sub, because I know you don't. You're just stating an assumption and watching people dance to the tune. You should take note of how this sub intentionally does not dance to any narrative they attempt to provide. Q is our narrative. [We are The Plan].

The SBBH plan seems to be, in proper Thelemic tradition, to invert the meaning of something in order to create a weakness in it through the perversion. In this case, their plan is "Where we go all, we go one;" take all of the detractors, and make them into one scary false idol of a troll, in order to minimize perception of our numbers to the public (sound familiar?) and give a boogeyman.

It would be a very clever plan if they had smarter people to pull it off. Thankfully, These People Are Stupid. Even with money backing them.

15386266? ago

I won't take offense to you thinking this is a SBBH gaslighting sub, because I know you don't. You're just stating an assumption and watching people dance to the tune. You should take note of how this sub intentionally does not dance to any narrative they attempt to provide. Q is our narrative.

Actually, it was your initial comment to me through PM that made me believe that.

You seem to have a history of steering people against each other...

That's a SBBH game, only a few people have tried to accuse me of that and they're all SBBH. Then there's this.. Plus, a real patriot would have asked me to Xpost my work over here instead of posting it themselves and then accusing me of "dividing".

In some situations, to get control, the agent will tell the activist:

“You’re dividing the movement.”

15386504? ago

1) I hope srayzie sees that, from that private communication, you're one of the people that submitted evidence in her tribunal. That should give her heart a little jump.
2) There was a reason I asked that information in private, rather than in public. It was for submission as evidence in a private tribunal.
3) I'm sad their tactic divided us. I'm not accusing you of dividing. I'm accusing them of suckering you into taking the bait of dividing yourself, and I'm accusing you of not being wise enough to see the tactic for what it was. Take solace that being a dumbass sucker is a good 6 or 7 rungs higher than "shill" on the ladder of respect.


Plus, a real patriot would have asked me to Xpost my work over here instead of posting it themselves and then accusing me of "dividing".

This was another shit test. Dudes in the construction industry rarely shit test like chicks, which is another conversation best kept in private. Consider this an open invite to cross-post your intel in this sub.

15392152? ago

Anon, we aren't divided.

They would have us divided.

15387558? ago

Yep.. Exactly what I thought. Gaslight central.

15392195? ago

I'm of the opinion you two are being vain. Anons aren't divided. They would have us divided.

I'm not so sure he's gaslighting. I did tell him to quit doing his faggot judge larp routine. Not sure what that's accomplishing. Why would we allow them to be apart of the process of deciding who's a shill or not?

Either way, he's weird. Not really sure what to think of him at this point.