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AndrewBlazeIt ago

make you feel like the world is against you

Nah, you do that all on your own. I just watch and laugh.

Or do I? @FBIGangstalker

Crensch ago

Why do you defend a group that harbors pedophiles?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Why do you use voat quotes to "quote" things other people allegedly said, rather than providing archives? It's almost as if you're putting words in their mouths.


Crensch ago

None of you ever support anything you say. Let me know when that rises to about 70%, which is over 20% from my track record of >90%.

Earn your pay and support your claims, glownigger.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

@zyklon_b did that! Violent druggie pedophile convict - lost his halfnigger daughter to the court system.

Wow, look at all that proof! I'm DROWNING IN IT.

Gothamgirl ago

He is voilent only to people who deserve it because he is not weak.. In the 18 months we were together I didn't observe him doing any drugs that weren't prescribed by a doctor, and he never lost his kid to a court. He and his parents fought for custody of his daughter and won.

This guy makes up all types of shit hoping it sticks.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Where's the proof there, exactly. Point to the direct evidence that ANY of that happened.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

So you admit you have none.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Kek. Downvoted less than 20 seconds after posting.

Do you have, y'know, a life or a job or anything?