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TimMasson1 ago

May I ask in all seriousness what it is you are hoping to accomplish by making these posts all the time? It almost seems as if you are desperately trying to keep this drama alive.

Crensch ago

May I ask in all seriousness what it is you are hoping to accomplish by making these posts all the time?


TimMasson1 ago

I suspect that's because you don't have a good answer other than you enjoy this drama because it gives you something to do. Essentially You're just bored.

Crensch ago

20 day old username making milquetoast posts constantly, and to the delight of no one, in order to astroturf a "neutral third party" vibe when finally attacking me.

Note the username that happens to look suspiciously like a first and last name, suggesting the naive boomer doxxed himself, but despite my pointing that out early on, he continues to use this username.

Here's anti-Crensch user @m_1 pinging this username for seemingly no reason whatsoever 14 days after its creation.

185 posts in 20 days; nothing but Voat's analog of a Reddit re-post bot. Honestly, an Overton-Window-moving load of reddit-tier "DAE" type posts, too.

1,227 comments in 20 days asking 3 days into the account's existence:

What is this whole Q thing?

And he proceeds to act for all the world like a naive boomer, but gives himself away with a comment in /v/SoapboxBanhammer saying:


For those that don't know, this is a common comment from @zyklon_b, who would accuse users of "raping and murdering a child in 1990". Following which he would simply write "1990", and it became a dogwhistle between SBBH users that liked zyklon.

You can see from his comment history that he had no organic introduction to this concept.

He continues to interact a lot with @m_1 in nests like this, talking about how someone is downvoting all of m_1's comments because they're socializing with him, (An 11 day old account.)

And finally, 3 days after his account creation, he writes this comment response to me:

I talked to the other party you are having problems with and he is very interested in making amends with you. He is just confused as to why he got banned and I explained to him that being that it's your sub you are able to ban him simply for saying something you didn't like. His concern is that's a slippery slope. I suspect you were upset because he said something about a woman you care about which is Honorable. You could explain exactly that to him and I'm sure he would understand (if that is the case). Could you simply unban him and tell him then just say you're not interested in arguing anymore. I think if you did something like that he would think twice before saying disrespectful things in the future. If I am out of bounds for making any of these suggestions let me know and I will but out of it. I am only trying to help and being that it was all posted publicly I'm just giving my opinion.

3 day old account. That is now trying to demoralize me by "asking questions" about "ignoring" literal pedophiles.

SBBH is cancer.

Gothamgirl ago


zuck ago

I heard someone say @timmasson1 is @ghostskin whoever's that was

TimMasson1 ago

I heard he was @TheAmerican or something

zuck ago

Does @theamerican have surround sound and a reference monitor?

TimMasson1 ago

Ah, yeah I would suspect so. I would bet he these

In all 4 corners of his theater room.

zuck ago

I'm planning on getting a boston dynamics dog

TimMasson1 ago

Mount a machine gun on its back

zuck ago

I would just ride it. I'm just waiting for the battery power model to become viable.

TimMasson1 ago

I'd let it pull me in a wagon

Crensch ago


He's SBBH trying to LARP as a nice guy so he can turn on me and Voat will back him up.

TimMasson1 ago

😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 I've already asked you before to go through my posting history and make some more posts like this about me but this one is old.. Can you make a new one? I promise you there is secret messages just for you hidden within my post in history. Very important things that are going to require deep investigation. Only you can stop me and yes I stand Zyclon_b and SBBH.