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SandHog ago

Everything will start to make a whole lot more sense when you compare that with this and this and grasp the significance of it.

22028008? ago

So to implement the rules on moderators means what? Like what is the purpose of controlling mods here?

I don’t like the style of editing comments to make users seem otherwise.

SandHog ago

So to implement the rules on moderators means what? Like what is the purpose of controlling mods here?

To prevent them from moderating and removing disruptive people who have no intention of actually contributing to whatever topic a sub is about and are only interested in shitting up a sub for one reason or another or even no reason at all.

the first video at 1:08 mark says that the end game is for the mods not to abuse and manipulate their position. Is this a bad thing to you? I freagin hate the way they go about it though...

I wish I could hear the entire conversation but all I've found are these clips that someone posted to soundcloud four years ago. Mods should not abuse their position I don't think anyone disagrees with that. The problem comes in when mods are held accountable but users who seek only to disrupt and destroy are not. That is what Putt was getting at with his Builders/Destroyers post. Then factor in that PV essentially became the enforcement arm of the trolls over time allowing them free reign to destroy any communities that they decided they didn't like for whatever reason. "This mod banned me for being a complete twat! Get him!"

I think that PV at it's inception was well probably well intended but it was also short sighted. I also think it's clear that PV evolved into something that ended up crippling Voat very badly. It established an antagonistic culture solely focused on punishing moderators and removing all accountability from trash users.

Look around. Voat is a wasteland. It has been reduced to mostly the Q stuff and people bitching about the Q stuff and trying to drive them off. Yeah, there is the FNGT and it doesn't get fucked with but look at who that mostly consists of. Is it any surprise? New communities have been repeatedly driven off of Voat before they even had a chance to understand the 'immune response' they received much less why they were receiving it in the first place. v/StoneToss is a perfect example of this. I tried to stop him from being driven off to no avail. He was coming around to understanding and was reversing course but it didn't matter because people wouldn't stop attacking him long enough to sort things out. I think @MrPim was another person who tried to prevent that from happening. I'm pretty sure it was him that wrote up a "Welcome to Voat faggots: Here is what you need to know" type post designed to help new communities assimilate into Voat more easily.

Why on earth would Voat drive off someone like StoneToss? He should fit right in here. It makes absolutely no sense. Either the 'immune system' culture here is poison and needs to be reevaluated or there are users who actively work against Voat's success and ensure that no new communities come here or are built. It is something that desperately needs to be addressed. Putt was trying to address the problem with his Votes feature but he went quiet after all the stuff went on with v/GreatAwakening. I don't blame him. He deserves a lot better than what Voat has given him.