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BraunF14 ago

Bring in the army. So scary. Don't know why this is on protectvoat. I didn't threaten anything. Just like Voat users to take shit out of context anyways. I see it on both sides. I just think srayzie doesn't remember what ran her away from the site in the first place. A lot of users were super done with her bullshit. I wasn't one of those making threats.

Crensch ago

44 days of constant SBBH tantrums over srayzie asking the SBBH faggots to stop shitposting on GA, then warning her users that they might be attacked for her doing so.

She made this post:

That got DELETED for "did thing".


Not one of you has a moral high ground here.

BraunF14 ago

I honestly still to this day know what sbbh does or what they're about. I can't wrap my mind around their style of posts or why they find it humorous. I just don't get it. What I do get in a mindless following of 2 individuals by a large group of people going against the word of God.

The Q following acts as if trump is infallible and a holy prophet essentially. Like he is the golden cow your groups dance around. And Q as if he's a religious leaders outside the churches governing. Again, the golden cow. And it's sacriligious. That is where I see the harm.

That last post you linked is nothing more than a "I've been bad but let me make me look like the victim" kind of post. And it's all trickery. Moral high ground aside, what GA and your friends are doing is wrong and not in line with the overall values I see dominate voat's debates. And you're all so very proud of it. I see no empathy there nor do I see any grounding. And that baseless following is more dangerous than you may know. I believe you do know it and I believe you want it to damage the site. I don't believe you want Voat to stick around, hence allllllll the drama I saw first-hand sprout from srayzies fingertips. She is not innocent here.

From what I saw and read, neither party was in the right, but one was worse than the other. That party was your party.

Native ago

Notice how @crensch does EXACTLY what he accuses the 'sbbh' of doing....It's literally the definition of a chameleon lizard

BraunF14 ago

Now that I see.

Crensch ago

Notice how @crensch does EXACTLY what he accuses the 'sbbh' of doing....It's literally the definition of a chameleon lizard

Notice how he mentioned multiple things, but your response is ambiguous because you're a subhuman species that doesn't care all that much about clear communication?

Native ago

Notice how he mentioned

It's XE you sexist!!! Don't they teach you how to write proper grammar in Israel?

Crensch ago

I knew you were a leftist faggot.

Native ago

Don't judge me for identifying as a xe you racist!

Crensch ago

From what I saw and read, neither party was in the right, but one was worse than the other. That party was your party.

Literally race traitors or halfbreeds themselves. Admitted druggies. Some provable pedophiles and some easily argued as such. They've kept this going for 44 days now. 44 days. Srayzie and shizy left and were NOT on alts for some of those days. Wasn't good enough.

They're proven leftists. Their ideals are communist in nature. THeir desire to control other subs looks a LOT like the globalists wanting to control nations, doesn't it? And they argue and continue to argue like Jews.

Nobody gives a fuck about your moral high ground. Srayzie took that moral high ground for weeks and was hammered constantly anyway. Threats to her kids and her family and her life while she did nothing of the sort in return.

How long is she supposed to endure that, cuck? 44 fucking days of this. Look at it. Go dig around. What did she do or say? She stood up to them for continuing to harass GA users. What did they do? Attack her family, and her personally for daring to stand up to them.

Eh, if you don't see that, I can't be convinced that you're legitimate in any way.

BraunF14 ago

I tried to reason with you but you're doing exactly what I make fun of GA for. I don't see any of that out of them. I just see weird posts and that's just about it. You're being paranoid and overzealous. That's all I hammer them for. She never took any moral high ground. She acted immaturely for 44DAAAAAYYYYZZZ

Crensch ago

One user. As an entire subverse of faggot attacked her and did what they could to doxx her and threaten her kids.

Yeah, you're not legit. Later.

Crensch ago

I honestly still to this day know what sbbh does or what they're about.

Here, let me help:

From what I saw and read, neither party was in the right, but one was worse than the other. That party was your party.

I don't believe that for a second.

Native ago

Your mom is gay

InSaneGoatPosse ago

That’s why you won’t be coming back to GA.

Native ago

Not on this account you assguzzler

Crensch ago

Your mom is subhuman, just like you.

Native ago


Crensch ago


How alpha of you. Is that how men you look up to write? Like high school girls?

Native ago

I'll upvoat this. Cause in this context it's absolutely hilarious and the perfect reply. You wouldn't get this because you are devoid of real life relationships (other than the Israeli work force you work in). Though be honest they are all faggots and deep down you resent them for being degenerates, however, you get paid a lot of money so you put up with your work place bullshit.

Close to the mark?

Crensch ago

Do you even try to think before you type?

You're almost human in that other nest.

Explain to me how a Jew, hired by Israel, writes posts changing a website like this from thinking Jews aren't all that bad to 1488? I wrote the submission about auschwitz not being a death camp. I wrote this before changing the narrative.

Explain how that serves Israel.

Native ago

Your second post had -10. That's exactly what an Israelite would post to try and 'fit in' then you managed to slither yourself into other subs and blend in.

Anywho, throw me the olive branch out of good will and we can drop all this, ok?

Crensch ago

Your second post had -10. That's exactly what an Israelite would post to try and 'fit in' then you managed to slither yourself into other subs and blend in.

I posted that before the narrative changed here. Meaning it was not a narrative anyone wanted to read here. Meaning how would I use that to fit in?