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virge ago

Are you suggesting WhiteRonin is Kevdude?

Also, WhiteRonin is a bare minimum Type 4 & Type 2, probably also a Type 1.

Vindicator ago

If you don't respond, their efforts are meaningless and they cannot bait you into further dialogue.

Heh. You really think I could have modded v/pizzagate for going on three years if this stuff bothered me in the slightest?

WhiteRonin is obviously a Kev alt. He and I have never had anything but civil conversations, up until the past few days, after I exposed Kev. Kev went quiet, and Ronin showed up -- digging back into my previous challenges to Kev to leave replies.

It's an hilarious amount of undue butthurt for someone who had little previous history with me.

kestrel9 ago

@WhiteRonin to @Kevdude 16 days ago

I thought PV was the good guys and RPV were asshole faggets. Well, tallest_skil is one for a different reason.

Yeah, you tricked me. I fell for it. My bad!

You fuckers in PV called in the “team” to gain up on people like @dial_indicator which is a known drunk and fought his own battles. But you assholes just have to “not brigade” by pinging the team. He’s a drunk! You fucking stupid moron! Why target low hanging fruit. Sure you cleaned up some spam. But you also targeted anyone you didn’t like.


Oh so you kick dial for giggles but the hive kicking Srayzie is off limits? Hypocrite!

since then it sounds like @Kevdude took the gloves off and gave @WhiteRonin free rein to hive kick away. Maybe that's why it seems they are the same sometimes, and why @WhiteRonin doesn't bother denying it. I do believe that @WhiteRonin was insinuating that @Kevdude was @virge. If that was the case then having @virge advise everyone to just ignore @WhiteRonin would sound a lot different (motive wise)

he did insinuate but later came to another conclusion

WhiteRonin ago

Pissed off that I am 2 of the most powerful users on Voat?

SearchVoatBot ago

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kestrel9 ago

You're @srayzie?

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t have a pussy not cheat on my cuckhold spouse. So nope!

virge ago

Just looks like the most common theme I've observed from SBBH, they mostly want to present the appearance of instigating against Putt. It's part of the confusion tactics. Using the Builder badge is just one of many ways they can try to stir shit.

WhiteRonin, Zyklon_B, they all use the same strategy when you break it down from a root cause analysis. Just different vocabularies.

They isolate some piece of information which can be weaponized through lying (or, as they prefer to call it, satire and jokes!). This is used to publicly insult people and "call them out" to get them to come and defend themselves. It's a summoning strategy, and the methods are adapted to whatever will work best to put the target on the defensive.

Immediately it's clear that trying to defend is pointless, because the SBBH Type 4 isn't interested in a conversation, they just know if they put a user on the defense the user will be forced to give them more information for which they can use to put the user on the defensive again. It's also why when they're ignored and start getting desperate for content they'll start trawling through post histories and commenting on random stuff, etc.

Put simply, if you completely ignore them they're harmless. Worst they'll do is post stalk you and because they're so desparate for a response from you to put you on the defensive they'll do it so often (like WhiteRonin) that it will be pretty obvious to the casual outside observer whats going on.

The only power a Type 4 has is if you engage them. Ignore a Type 4 and they are just wasting their time.


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @WhiteRonin.

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WhiteRonin ago

See, you are still a chicken shit to prove that I am what I am!

Pay up! I want your shekels fucktard!

WhiteRonin ago

Fine! I admit it!

I’m @kevdude and @zyklon_b too!

I’m legion!

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

You forgot to include me in that list. I'm legion!

WhiteRonin ago

Sorry! My bad!

See! I can admit when I’m wrong!

zyklon_b ago

@virge is a ferret aka @ar47 alt. confirmed. is why the canary died is ferret brought the batf and fbi here

@puttitout confirm by not replying to this ping

AR47 ago


The canary was dead due to secretlypsycho and her history on this site as well as others, but your to self absorbed and mentally handicapped that you wouldn’t know it. Even after I told you and showed you where puttitout confirmed it.

Don’t worry I know it will he surely dead after what I just did.

Hope you enjoy your visit.

zyklon_b ago

I hope the tornado rapez you and your family

kestrel9 ago

I kilt da canary

WhiteRonin ago

Hi! @crensch

You fucking @vindicator’s Little bitch incel!

zyklon_b ago

@ar47 raped his own son in Oklahoma before tradimg him in for a lenient sentence

kestrel9 ago

@WhiteRonin is trying to sell pics of @kevdude's boobs for Shekels

WhiteRonin ago

Actually, you are wrong. Get your story straight.

I want @virge to buy me out. I only want his shekels! Or you could crowdfund his poor ass to do it, just as long as he has his lawyer set it up!

Yes, I want shekels and I will sell out my accounts on voat to do it!

Life as a Jew is grand!

kestrel9 ago

Your last customer posted this: He's as dumb as you and just as gay.

zyklon_b ago

@whiteronin is one righteous komrade and totally destroyed @virge

WhiteRonin ago

I’m destroying @krestel9 who is @vindicator’s Little bitch incel @crensch

zyklon_b ago

@vindicator and @crensch were both getting same pics and pm from srayzie and they also both went to Ok and ran a train @Ar47 son while ferret watched

WhiteRonin ago

@kestrel9 is an incel.

He can’t even accuse me of things properly.

zyklon_b ago

@kestrel9 fucked @ar47 son

WhiteRonin ago

@virge recorded it on a spread sheet!

zyklon_b ago

i kilt him

kestrel9 ago

I destroyed @virge's theory about @WhiteRonin LOL.

WhiteRonin ago

And you saw her boobs!

Good one!

kestrel9 ago

I have not seen nor do I want to see @kevdude's boobs, I don't care if you are giving pics away.

WhiteRonin ago

You know exactly who I am talking about. We are not talking about my boobs and I’m glad you haven’t seen them.

No fuck along you irrelevant ranting power mod.

kestrel9 ago

You're too dumb to be @kevdude buddy.

sguevar ago

Is there a reason why you keep implying I am an alt?

Seriously why don't you try to argue and debate reasonably instead of engaging in slandering comments just to make yourself look better?

Amuse me, please tell me why is it that you think I am an alt?

WhiteRonin ago

Tsk tsk tsk, @crensch you simpleton buddy of mine. You have no clue what is happening. I have some pre-school reader books that I can lend you.

@sguevar, @heygeorge (this ass was not attempting to ping you).

heygeorge ago

Should I appeal to site admin?

WhiteRonin ago

You can appeal to me. I’m running voat now ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

What theory?

kestrel9 ago

Move along little monkey, go clang your cymbals for Shekels.

WhiteRonin ago

No theory.

WhiteRonin ago

I’m legion!

Gothamgirl ago

Zyklon said level9000+ 🤣

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @WhiteRonin.

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WhiteRonin ago

I’m suggesting you are a chicken shit who runs away from a challenge because he’s a Larp.

Definitely a delta fag.