BraunF14 ago

I literally said I wouldn't call you a pedo as there was no proof. It just happens there is a trend of pesos among the likes of you and fellow Patriots lol.

As far as the legality of it all, I gave you 2 resources to begin finding that out yourself. All speech here is completely legal. Even if I were to post your name, social, address, and claim false facts about you, it's protected free speech.

Sorry, bub. You're shit out of luck. Next time try thinking before begging a sleepy man for some crazy fat Jew tit pics before he goes to bed. It's your own fault.

theoldones ago

here's a screenshot where you doubly admit to being a lying snake (and plan to continue doing so).

you were asked if you intended to continue slandering me. you said "yes".

do you understand the ramification of what you just blatantly admitted to not once, but twice?

BraunF14 ago

Dude stop being a whiney little bitch and grow up. You're taking this loss way too seriously. You acted like a child last night begging me for nudes and now I'm going to treat you like a child.

theoldones ago

You acted like a child last night begging me for nudes and now I'm going to treat you like a child.

he said, right after admitting his intention was "slander"

proof or it didn't happen.