SNOPES-TIER CENSORSHIP HERE ON VOAT: Head PV mod defends his mod's flairing of "disinfo" of submission he had not investigated. Also defends threats to continue flairing any post by that user. (
submitted 5.7 years ago by Crensch
sinclair 5.7 years ago
Why is it Snopes-Tier censorship?
Crensch 5.7 years ago
Snopes just decides what is true and what isn't. They don't even do any research anymore, if they ever did.
It's just, "snopes finds this info might not be true".
And BIG TECH used them to censor people.
IMCHAD 5.7 years ago
Maltherian1 5.7 years ago
I’m tired of this asinine civil war. I don’t know who did what or why and I don’t care.
And that is why you will always be ruled by the people you look down upon.
Pay attention. Vote. Or be subject to the guys that want power so badly they'll sell out everything and everyone around them.
Not that anyone here rules you, of course, despite what @kevdude seems to think.
CerealBrain 5.7 years ago
Hypocrisy much?
They seem incapable of seeing it. Claim I'm the one turning this place into reddit, but there they are using Snopes-tier bullshit to "soft" censor me.
Did someone hear a toilet flush?
argosciv 5.7 years ago
I shit you not, I went to the shitter about the time you made this post.
The fuck you doin in Aus, let alone within earshot of the shitter near my class? xD
@CerealBrain @imchad @hollakost @ScrubbinOutOldBlue @kestrel9
@Vindicator @virge @argosciv @sandhog @theoldones
theoldones 5.7 years ago
yep, i brought this up and he just told the users on PV who dont like it to leave
sinclair ago
Why is it Snopes-Tier censorship?
Crensch ago
Snopes just decides what is true and what isn't. They don't even do any research anymore, if they ever did.
It's just, "snopes finds this info might not be true".
And BIG TECH used them to censor people.
Maltherian1 ago
I’m tired of this asinine civil war. I don’t know who did what or why and I don’t care.
Crensch ago
And that is why you will always be ruled by the people you look down upon.
Pay attention. Vote. Or be subject to the guys that want power so badly they'll sell out everything and everyone around them.
Not that anyone here rules you, of course, despite what @kevdude seems to think.
CerealBrain ago
Hypocrisy much?
Crensch ago
They seem incapable of seeing it. Claim I'm the one turning this place into reddit, but there they are using Snopes-tier bullshit to "soft" censor me.
Crensch ago
Did someone hear a toilet flush?
argosciv ago
I shit you not, I went to the shitter about the time you made this post.
The fuck you doin in Aus, let alone within earshot of the shitter near my class? xD
Crensch ago
@CerealBrain @imchad @hollakost @ScrubbinOutOldBlue @kestrel9
Crensch ago
@Vindicator @virge @argosciv @sandhog @theoldones
theoldones ago
yep, i brought this up and he just told the users on PV who dont like it to leave