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Gothamgirl ago

It's been deleted dumbfuck.

EmeraldRoses ago

Not from here.

Gothamgirl ago

It clearly says deleted learn to read.

EmeraldRoses ago

From pizzagate. It was against the rules. Vindicator said it in the comments. Learn to read. Now it’s posted here where it won’t be removed. Archived too. :)

Gothamgirl ago

Original post was deleted, and what makes it ok for you to post and archive pics of dead kids? SICK

Do you realize half of Voat is op's at Beatlestroll army, why single me out?


EmeraldRoses ago

Because you were a pizzagate researcher. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

Why would I be ashamed I didn't post it? When will you call out Great Awakening mods? Shizy practically begged for pedo to rape and worse to my kids? Did you miss it faggot or are you just selective with your bullshit posts?

HollaKost ago

Your "husband" makes comments about killing and eating kids daily! He also makes comments calling for people to be raped in the ass, and to eat adrenochrome from children in cali.

Here's one recent comment from him

How ficking stupid can you be to accept this nonsense and STILL have the nerve to try and deflect and act offended when someone finally says the same shit back to him?

You're about as dumb as they fucking come guntpiggy!

Gothamgirl ago

Not stupid at all. He has made those types of comments/jokes for years. He has quiet the comedic side sometimes dark and is known on every site he visits for it.

So let's get this straight, it was all fine and dandy when skrayzie/shizy/ and @crensch and same said person my husband zyklon, did the same exact shit last year to me though?

Go eat a bag of dicks she is not a victim and you are obsessed

HollaKost ago

So let's get this straight, it was all fine and dandy when skrayzie/shitzy/ and @crensch and same said person my husband zyklon, did the same exact shit last year to me though?

All is satire so why are you so obsessed with getting payback for it against Srayzie for just some silly fun jokes?

Can't have it both ways fatass.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I can and did, whore.

HollaKost ago

Oh, now it makes sense! That's how you can claim to be a Pizzagate researcher while being married to a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

Are you prepared for your exit yet?


HollaKost ago

Meh, haven't really thought about it.

Gothamgirl ago

Better start packing your departure is imminent 🛫

HollaKost ago

Tell @zyklon_b only niggers ping people to subs where they benned

HollaKost ago

Well maybe I come and stay wit chew