17798977? ago

Red Shoes and a New Orleans House? 20 Trillion in the Red? Repudiated State Debts...is the USA still paying off bonds for the US Civil War and the sale of Louisiana? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3136767

17886742? ago

you wrote - Red Shoes and a New Orleans House? 20 Trillion in the Red? Repudiated State Debts...is the USA still paying off bonds for the US Civil War and the sale of Louisiana? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3136767

18281794? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3185313 UHHH... HOLY SHIT, LOL. "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls."

17758650? ago

Rituals, initiation into the Occult ...before it was kind fringe, underground but Everywhere you watch, the cremony, the music teens & kids go to, its everywhere now? In the movies in the Tv shows? https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3070669/17617938 'endless ritual BS'

17758612? ago

Jahbulon or Jabulon or Yahb'elon is a word which is allegedly used in some rituals of Royal Arch Masonry, the God of the Freemasons? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonDebate/3117553/17618869 'wut?'

17630458? ago

'this apparent crime against humanity by New Zealand Freemasons should see them cast out of the international order.'... ., NZ False Flag to Disarm America or even start World War III https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117803