25844503? ago

lmao butt babies got the dumb

25843980? ago

Everything boils down to race and religion. That's why the Jews have attack white culture and Christianity so persistently.

25844000? ago

The truth is one and the truth is RACE. That's why you never see or hear people discussing it.

25848208? ago

Species of humans.

25843723? ago

There is a great saying I learned from my German grandmother: 'the darker, the dumber'.

Everyone knows it's true, even shitlibs.

25843855? ago

There are many ugly truths in the world that people need to accept. They are indeed hard pills to swallow but they must be understood no matter how painful.

25843297? ago

That black distribution have a really long tail. What accounts for that?

25843358? ago

It's a long but very thin tail. In other words the frequency of high IQ amongst the blacks although it does happen it's very rare, almost non-existent.

25843387? ago

Right, but I was wondering why

25843425? ago

Blacks just genetically have lower IQs than Whites. Why are certain breeds of dogs smarter than others? They just are. It was the way they were made. Blacks overall just have lower IQs than Whites. It's just the way it is and nothing can improve that.

25842627? ago

I dont believe that there are niggers with 120 or 130 IQs

no fucking way

25843783? ago

Impossibru, unless they have White blood

25842902? ago

Many of those "blacks" are not purebred. Many of them are mulattoes, quadroons or octaroons. Many of the smarter black folk were ironically more light skinned. They were more mixed than anything and had lots of White blood.

25853302? ago

Some but not necessarily. The genes for the highest IQ equivalent to whites still exist even in the purer bred black population in Africa today, just are less common. For whatever reason historical events or natural selection has favored lower IQ blacks to reproduce more. Cultural factors like 1,000 years of Islamic first cousin inbreeding were contributors. Perhaps the most intelligent were repeatedly killed in wars and the least intelligent were deliberately bred for more compliant slaves. If it were a scientific goal to reverse the trend and breed stupid white people and

25841469? ago

Its funny because jews use the same argument as to why they are on the top, but then claim its invalid for us to use the argument. Despite the fact that they are not higher up on the bell curve, and have significant nepotism pushing them along.

25841478? ago

Jews say the darndest things. They want you to do as they say and not as they do. Biggest hypocrites in the world.

25841492? ago

Aye, a good example of this is Jordan Peterson's response to the J question. Its this exact argument here.

25841343? ago

jews use the tribal sense of white people to make us fight each other with as much vigor and enthusiasm as we can muster. They put us in false tribes, like left vs right and then laugh while we keep ourselves busy, while they blackmail weak white people into giving them everything.

25841358? ago

That's how a minority dominates a majority. Divide and conquer.

25842330? ago


25840836? ago

Low IQ doesn't necessarily mean dangerous, but it does mean easily influenced by shitty pop culture.

25840094? ago

Wait 'til you understand how PACKED the US government is with "diversity"... "equality"... and "affirmative action" hires there are. 13% of the population. 62% of government employees. With full benefits, full GSA rights, full protection under the law and full contempt for the White people that provided their employment. Niggers run the deep state government bureaucracy. We're fucked.

25840137? ago

I am fully aware. Look at the government workers in a place like D.C. or the post office which is overwhelmingly negroid. That's how they sell the jobs to them: LOOK AT ALL THE BENEFITS AND GIB ME DATS THAT YOU WILL GET!

25839988? ago


25839951? ago

When IQ is adjusted for, blacks still have a crime/violence rate 2 or 3 times higher than whites.

One factor may be the MAO-A gene (aka-the warrior gene). One variant of these gene has a frequency of 5 or 6 % in blacks and is very rare in whites and asians. This variant is associated with low levels of monoamine A neurotransmitter and high violence.

James Watson and others have also suggested that high melanin production itself is related to increased violence, sexual activity, and extroversion through the melanocortin system.

25848198? ago

It's been shown the violence is likely from higher estrogen levels.

25849117? ago


25852486? ago

Specifically, estradiol. Look it up buddy.

25853472? ago

You can buy testosterone and it literally lists increased agression as a side effect on the insert.

25842248? ago

It could also be their high estrogen. Estrogen is associated with moodyness, emotional outbursts, and violence.

25841601? ago

When IQ is adjusted for, blacks still have a crime/violence rate 2 or 3 times higher than whites.

I'd be willing to chalk this up to culture. Niggers have a low IQ/violent/criminal culture. So even the smarter of them act like the mean. Much like how when whites hang out with the "criminal element" they're more likely to get involved in fighting and crime.

25839997? ago

Yes. It seems to discuss race is heresy. Not unlike believing the earth was round or the world revolving around the sun. Those were also heresies at one time even though they were true.

25840324? ago

They knew this shit a thousand years ago. (((Egalitarianism))) is hell bent stamping out any small fires left burning and then completely replacing the wood stoves of human origins. Let's make all of the wheels square while we're at it. Can't offend those spear chuckers that carry shit everywhere because of cultural differences.

25840228? ago

Earth is Flat

25843748? ago

Outer space is fake and gay

25844520? ago

That's why they record out of space videos in a giant pool

25852674? ago

Longish but very interesting video, full of evidence that NASA is fake and gay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj-Q-FkDEuM&feature=youtu.be

25840289? ago


25839948? ago

If you believe something, stand behind it. What a bunch of cowards, sniping their "troofs" from dark corners.

25840036? ago

We have to work with what we have. I have made my statements to my family and friends. We all need to speak up and stand up the best that we can. Obviously workplaces you have to be relatively diplomatic, etc in this climate.

25840117? ago

I have a suspicion if standing behind your words became a thing again, fake news and provocateuring would disappear.

25840145? ago

Possibly. We need to take back control of the mass media. As long as the jews have control over the mass media we're in trouble...

25840325? ago

Absolutely. Mass corporate media is pure trash.

25839755? ago

This by itself is just life, there's nothing wrong with it. Someone with a 75 IQ can still do physical labor or simple tasks.

But trying to force that lower IQ population into places they don't belong will cause frustration among them, anger among who get passed over, and failures in the job sectors where they are prevalent. This forced equality is what is killing us.

25840514? ago

An iq of 83 is required to even be a net positive in an industrial world environment. The average world IQ compared to the 100 of a white western male is 82.

25844063? ago

I'm surprised the elite don't grasp the implications of this fact. But then, they reject the evidence of racial differences in intelligence.

25845929? ago

They do know this.

25839774? ago

Yep. We are seeing it now in the form of affirmative action, forced diversity initiatives, racial equality shaming, etc. It's exhausting but things will fall apart....

25839530? ago

This chart needs to have the 13/50 incorporated into it somehow.

25839971? ago


25839296? ago

Muh sportsball bigot.

25839246? ago

and why ALL "high paying" nigger jobs are GOVERNMENT FUNDED (and getting WORSE, not better) and are "social justice" jobs. We are being BLED DRY BY PARASITES!

This SHIT is about to end. Nigger lovers YOU ARE GOING TOO!

25839243? ago

This is also the reason for the prevalence of niggers in sports. Different species (blacks and whites) can loosely cooperate to the extent that division of labor occurs, but niggers have no absolute advantage in sports, only a comparative advantage. Whites tend to have a higher opportunity cost to choosing sports as a career.

25839357? ago

Later physical maturation. I saw a boy from Haiti, imported/adopted to America, and he was playing soccer with boys two years older (and white) and blowing them away. So if you don't believe in racial differences, then clearly the boy from Haiti was 'more talented' and all the white kids were scrubs that will never have success. Truth is, at 18 or 20, there will be no difference, provided both kids in the sample stayed active/fit.

Maybe the Haitian kid will be slightly more fast twitch, and the white kid will be bigger, stronger, smarter.

25839299? ago

Take into consideration that negroes on average have longer arms than whites, and their muscle structure is optimized for short bursts of explosiveness so boxing, short distance running, and basketball works for them. White folks don't have as dense bones, and their muscle structure is optimized for overall stamina, power and strength so power lifting, long distance running, and swimming works for them.

25846447? ago

What about cold tolerance? Would a white man born in Arizona be able to quickly acclimatise to winter in the alps? Will a black guy born in Chicago be fine in Nigeria in summer?

25846757? ago

Good question. I would say in general yes but there's always outliers.

25844504? ago

You forgot jogging.

25840062? ago

I agree. Blacks have some natural advantages in many sports over whites on average.

Jesus just look at their dancing. I dont care for many of their dance styles but they are much better natural dancers. A five year old black kid is a better dancer than me. I could take dance lesson for a year. It wouldnt change that.

25844547? ago

Wrong. Your opinion of what constitutes dance has likely been colored by too much MTV. Niggers cannot ballet, and very few can ballroom dance. Do not mistake dance with "jiggling bits all around the place".

25845422? ago


I have never seen white kids do anything like this and I never will.

25845953? ago

hashtag naturally gifted

We learned country dancing when I was young. Teamwork.

25844031? ago

A five year old black kid is a better dancer than me.

NIggers are good at dancing and grinning and shucking and jiving and fucking and looting. Whites are good at building civilizations and solving the riddles of the universe.

25844292? ago

Thats a pretty controversial assertion buddy. Be prepared to defend yourself cause folks remarks like that are basically unheard of around here.

25843408? ago

Dancing is a form of "Entrainment" where brain/body rhythms sync with the environment through sound, light, and movement. This could be a difference in cranial structure as people with a smaller frontal cortex may have more neurons in the limbic system.

Just a physiognomy hypothesis.

25843567? ago

I am certain it is neurological.

25840119? ago

They leave the womb fully developed at a faster rate than Whites. They aren't born premature they are a fully grown child but they don't spend as much time in the womb as White babies or Asian babies. Also they have smaller heads with smaller brains, they also physically mature faster, walk and move at an earlier age than Whites and Asians, they are also sexually active before Whites and Asians. They ARE different and perhaps because they can stand up and move their bodies at an earlier age than Whites provides reason for why they have "rhythm."

25846414? ago

Wait wait, wdym they don’t spend much time in the womb? Are you saying they are mostly born premature?

I also read someone say black babies can hold up their head much earlier, is this true?

25846742? ago

No they aren't born premature. They are born completely developed as a child and yes it's all true because of their advanced muscle structure.

25840426? ago

The median gestational age at delivery was 39 weeks in Blacks and Asians and 40 weeks in white Europeans. Black women with normal body mass index (BMI) (18.5–24.9 kg/m2) had increased odds of preterm delivery (odds ratio [OR] = 1.33, 95% CI: 1.15, 1.56, adjusted for deprivation and BMI) compared with white Europeans. The OR of preterm delivery was also increased in Asians compared with white Europeans (OR = 1.45, 95% CI: 1.33, 1.56, adjusted for single unsupported status and smoking).


You’re right. That’s interesting.

But I still maintain there is no amount of time that will give me the rhythm of a black person. Those neurons in my lineage were repurposed for critical introspection.

25840648? ago

Blacks are more r selected. They selected for faster births and quicker sexual maturity to shit out more subhumans. Compare this to East Asians who have the biggest brains, most neoteny in adulthood and take the longest to mature sexually and longer to come out of the womb.

25840435? ago

Genetics. We are the separate species of humankind. There are genetic differences. That's for sure.

25840678? ago

Subspecies. There does not seem to be justification for labelling us separate species. Cocker spaniels and pit bulls are all dogs.

25839219? ago

Why is this post hiding usernames, giving them random numbers instead? This has happened a few times on other posts too

25839366? ago

It is the subverse.

25843113? ago

So we never know who we are replying to?

25843804? ago

Not while the discussion is in this subverse. I mean, you could @ yourself if you really wanted to!

25839230? ago


25839025? ago

your graph makes me feel sad and alone

25839185? ago

This is an anonymous board so I feel ok to share without feeling like I'm boasting, but I've been tested and have an IQ in the 140 range. It's cool, but there is always a bigger fish. My old boss was in the 160 range. I bet my dad is 160-170+. There's no need to feel sad or alone for having a high IQ. Try to use it to help out other whites. They are your people even if most of them are not as intelligent as yourself.

25839961? ago

im about 130-140. im pretty sure theres a graph projecting happiness over iq and that its a reverse bell curve and that im right in the middle. ive been raised simple and surrounded by the stupid and wicked and kept down. tricked and looted. at first i was proud to be the smartest person in a room but now i realize its best to be the dumbest. what a world that would be to be a plumber in a nation of genius'.

25840544? ago

Works for niggers.

25839597? ago

Also no IQ gives you infinite vision into things. Every human is limited. Hopefully if you have a high IQ you enjoy using it and sharing the value with others. Even things that take intelligence to first recognize can still be realized by others by showing them the way. It's like the role of intuition: it finds destinations that you wouldn't reach by logic, but you can go back and find a logical path to them if they stand up to scrutiny.

25839326? ago

Oh okay that's very good! I was curious about where I stood a while back and my best section was fluid IQ (problem solving, critical thinking, etc) which had me at 120. We all have our part to play to help our race.

25839049? ago

Why? Once I learned the differences in the races and that we needed racial separation it hurt me too. I was raised and taught the opposite. However, I had to learn the ugly truth and understand WHY things were the way they were. No amount of money, laws, or racial equality will ever fix biology.

25839555? ago

The sadness was based on you thinking you lived with fictional beings. They were never as you believed. Them walking down a street was not like you walking down a street, with regard to what goes on in your heads.

25839641? ago

This is something I still struggle with. If I supposedly have a high iq why is it so hard to accept the majority of people think nothing like me?

25839677? ago

I think of it as the ability to temporarily pause your more animal desires and instincts, e.g. thinking farther into the future. A person who is more constantly in the muck of their needs and impulses will not be able to think of the bigger picture as much. We all are in that state sometimes.

25839607? ago

Exactly we were lied to. "We're all the same! There's only one race and that's the human race! We're all equal!!" What a load of shit. But I have done my homework and learned the truth.

25839632? ago

And it's nothing to feel bad about wanting races to live with their own kind. It's humane to everyone involved. Go visit other countries if you want to see other races (but take out life insurance first).

25839656? ago

Exactly. White folks need to suck it up and talk about race and inevitable separation or we will be in deeper trouble than we already are.

25839691? ago

Whites' strength of considering others is their biggest weakness to long-term survival.

25839713? ago

Yes. We care wayyyyy too much about other races. Hitler used to tell his soldiers, "Close your hearts to pity." Now I know why.

25839736? ago

It's like people who can't fathom shooting someone attacking you. HELLO heart, this is about to kill you. Have some pity for YOURSELF!

25839840? ago

Exactly. White folks need to have the guts to at least defend themselves. Kneeling, kissing feet, pandering, giving money, virtue signaling, etc won't save them.

25839196? ago

I think he means he has very high iq so he is without much company on the graph

25839319? ago

It is a real phenomenon when you get up to 130, that is for sure.

You start to see how people with 100 IQ think 110 IQ ppl are 'really smart' and 110 IQ ppl think 120 IQ people are weird, and people with 120 IQ know that associating with 130 IQ or higher will only mean they both become social outcasts.

Class clowns and popular kids are the 90-95 IQ group, who no one is intimidated by, and everyone can relate to.

25839214? ago

The higher up you are on the graph the harder it is to identify with and understand other folks so I could see that....

25838997? ago

Its not just IQ, its also Antisocial Personality Disorder and the dark triad, the personality traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.


25844007? ago

The Ashkenazi Jews as a tribal group have psychopathic traits. It may not be a biological psychopathy -- it may be a social psychopathy that is learned from birth. In either case, the result is the same -- a lack of empathy, lack of compassion, lack of remorse.

25842944? ago

High IQ comment, you must be White, or maybe Chinee

25841690? ago

Meh, Machiavellianism takes intelligence.

25841156? ago

Let's not forget how much estrogen is running through the veins of the nog men. It's waaay higher than most, which explains their emotional violent outbursts.

25839872? ago

Are you suggesting blacks are machiavellian!

25839931? ago

yeah I think they have dark triad tendencies but due to evolution not due to thinking ahead. Like they're commiting crimes because they see a thing they want so go steal it. They don't have long term plans.

25841834? ago

Machiavelian would be staging a heist and framing your oponent (more like jews). What they do is monkey see monkey wants.

25839250? ago

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25839241? ago

Way too long. Is there a succinct graph?

25839560? ago

What are you, a dumb nigger?

25843104? ago

I just don’t have time to read right now, very busy life

25839150? ago

It’s everything. Everything is genetic. Westerners don’t like to believe this but it’s true.

25839778? ago

twin studies suggest that roughly 80 % of who you are is genetic and the other 20 % is due to environment.

25840667? ago

Fun fact actually: The studies done on the polygenic score in 2019, in Piffer's newest study of 1,267 SNPs associated with intelligence found something very very interesting: The study found a correlation of .89 in a sample of 23 nations between national IQ and a population's mean polygenic score.

What this means is that the polygenic score accounts for 79% of the variance in IQ between nations.


I found it interesting that it matches up exactly with the twin studies' assumption of 80% heritability.

25840799? ago

GWAS based qualitative genetics will always be off compared to quantitative until we literally “find the genes.” We can only explain like 30% of the variance of height right now using qualitative genetics but you would be called a fool to think that height is only .3 heritable. It’s more around .9 as shown by quantitative genetic studies. Using qualitative genetics when it is so relatively young is dangerous because some shitlib will keep saying “find the genes” forever and moving the goalposts. Top down measurement is more than enough when it comes to things like race and IQ.

25841334? ago

It is kind of hard there of course, because there are like a thousand genes associated with intelligence.

Yeah, I just thought it was interesting

25839853? ago

I meant everything is partially genetically determined much more than westerners want to believe. Personality is genetic for instance. “Will power” is genetic. Westerners like to believe in le epic blank slate when in reality almost everything is determined by your genes.

25840024? ago

And I agree, and was agreeing with you. Our neural nets wire up very strongly according to genetics... about 80%. The other 20% of how your brain is wired is due to how your mom ate, whether your immune system was hyperstimulated with an MMR vaccine that warmed up your brain a little, whether you took drugs, had some sort of acute traumatic event or a chronic abuse period. Yes. The West's schools have been dumbed, and Tabula Rossa is nice in an equality phase, but it completely denies very obvious, very foundational science. Our brain is subject to the exact same genetic forces as the rest of our body.

25840105? ago

In China they test all men so they can get data from both X and Y and then see which genes correlate with higher iq, social credit score, agreeableness etc. I think they will start practicing soft genetics soon. Meanwhile in the west we play pretend in that men, women and all races are exactly the same and your environment determines everything. It’s pretty sad dude. The field of anthropology was more accurate on race 120 years ago than it is today thanks to people like Boas ruining it. The fact that our students in the west are taught straight up lies about race and what it entails is disgusting.

25839334? ago

We have too much empathy. Its a gift and a curse. Hence why we fall victim to the most charity fraud too, not just immigration and voter fraud.

25840007? ago

Psychotherapy has replaced christianity as the main religion and the means by which we attempt to understand and remedy “sinful” behavior. But it rewards bad behavior, elevates dysfuntional people. The dysfuctional “victim” is the ultimate hero in our society. That is how blacks fuck up the most, yet are constantly praised as being the most virtuous.

25841241? ago

Healthy introspection combined with empathy can result in healthy behavior without religion. But it has a minimum IQ requirement way above that of religion and cant supplant the value in religion in taming the ignorant in their animalistic urges.

25840291? ago

Noble savage.

25838971? ago

Oh yes Erectus. I remember reading that. They indeed do walk among us.........