AndrewBlazeIt ago

Found the pedo

1moar ago

All pedos should burn. Period.

Firevine ago

I'm an atheist, and I still want to be the one pulling the lever to gas pedos.

customers ago

I'm an atheist and think these depraved individuals should be publicly castrated with a rusty knife and left to bleed out.

ForTheUltimate ago

Unless they have victimized a child, you're just a criminal.

customers ago

Except my fantasies don't feature children

ForTheUltimate ago

Except his fantasies don't feature killing innocents for their sexual perversions.

customers ago

Perverts aren't innocent, you sick fuck

ForTheUltimate ago

20% of people have a foot fetish.

The dumbest reason to kill 20%.

Octocopter ago

I suggest you go read the user agreement of Voat you retarded pedo defender.

ForTheUltimate ago

You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Ok. You're still a pathetic religious fundamentalist and I maintain everything I have said.

Octocopter ago

Religion has nothing to do with basic human decency and morality. When people take their fetish from drawings to the real world a line is crossed and every single one of the those sick fucks that cross that line need to be shot.

Better hope you never get found out in real life.

ForTheUltimate ago

Then why the fuck do I see so many comments about sinning and religious faggotry?

When people take their fetish from drawings to the real world a line is crossed and every single one of the those sick fucks that cross that line need to be shot.

That's pushing the agenda. I think he will not cross the line. Same shit with video game violence.

Octocopter ago

So point out anywhere in my history where I have pushed or supported Christianity? He already crossed the line you dumb fuck, or else I would not be calling him out for posting a fetish rape video of a real living child.

Here you are defending someone who violated USA law with baseless attacks on me, which is funny considering how your op was bitching about people doing the same to pedos.

ForTheUltimate ago

It may not be you, but the others.

He already crossed the line you dumb fuck, or else I would not be calling him out for posting a fetish rape video of a real living child.


baseless attacks on me, which is funny considering how your op was bitching about people doing the same to pedos.

you were never specifically mentioned in my post.

Octocopter ago

"you were never specifically mentioned in my post." "Ok. You're still a pathetic religious fundamentalist and I maintain everything I have said."

You are one stupid pedo, its nice knowing the feds will have an easy time prosecuting you.

He even admits to posting it, only deleting it when it gets pointed out he was going to get banned.

ForTheUltimate ago

prosecuting me for what?

Octocopter ago

Its just a guess here but those so rabid in defense of people like fuark have all the same media he has on their computer without even having a basic grasp of what makes something legal or not.

The "free speech crowd" will defend drawings, they wont defend child predators like you have been.

ForTheUltimate ago

I think I was defending drawings and I did not take time to find out whether he was a child predator.

You prosecute both, correct? Anyway, I'm tired of this. I don't want to be involved anymore. I think I've made my position clear over 2 posts. The two instances where I support you and the 2 where I don't.

Octocopter ago

Nope, I dont give fuck what drawings and fake media people like. It is when they cross that line into real children I hate them.

The biggest problem with your attitude is that you think only christcucks care about defending children, it shows a severe lack of basic moral values in you.

ForTheUltimate ago

The biggest problem with your attitude is that you think only christcucks care about defending children, it shows a severe lack of basic moral values in you.

No. It probably also includes people who support social norms due to instinct and not reason or evidence. And my attitude is well informed given laws that ban both without distinction.

ForTheUltimate ago

So these faggots, instead of bringing actual social, child psychology, facts are spweing abunch of nonesense. I don't give shit about your god niggers. Keeep that shit for a debate with the local rabbi immams and other religious.

larryhuston ago

You mad people DV your fellow sick fuck pedos?

ForTheUltimate ago

You're just doing this because of some religious text, not because of any care for children. hmmm bombshell. Paired with the fact that your a censorious faggot of the religious affinity, I also hate you.

larryhuston ago

I'm hurt. /s

ForTheUltimate ago

Well of course you're not hurt! I bet you're filled with endorphins of self-righteousness!

This is some stuff for the others. You can go back to your religious crusade.