drstrangegov ago

I also will vouch for gabara. I've never seen him post anything repugnant.

heygeorge ago

I forget who we’re talking about, but I’ll put in a PO and we’ll see what happens

heygeorge ago

He would if putts weren’t such a naughty boy. He didn’t even get her a card for Mother’s Day!

NiggerVirus ago

Can you make one of these hit piece posts about me please? Just make something up but be creative.

heygeorge ago

I guess there technically isn’t a rule against it. @Mick still posts although he dide.

heygeorge ago

I’m too lazy to ban you, so just don’t post anything while you’re sleeping, ok?

heygeorge ago

And @gabara still likes ‘em young and hot, but not babies or children. Just 18+, maybe 16 if they look 21.

gabara ago

My wife is older than me. Checkmate.

heygeorge ago

My dad is older than you, so I guess you’re a faggot, too.

gabara ago

my dad could beat up your dad

heygeorge ago

But you’re gay, so your dad’s gay and my dad is straight so... sorry about all that

gabara ago

you dad is gay for you. might explain all the blackouts and lost time you experience

heygeorge ago

That’s peculiar

gabara ago

perpendicular too

heygeorge ago

Ok, fine, I’ll ban @truthdefender

gabara ago

I warned you about OP, @zyklon_b

NiggerVirus ago

I have your back