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OldFriend ago

Hey, it's your old buddy . You around?


SarMegahhikkitha ago

I'm trying to spend less time on these timesuck websites. I'll haunt these halls in another 11 hours.

If you're antiracist, I've explained before that I can't do anything about anti-Semitism. When secular Jews invite backlash, the blessing on Israel gets siphoned off to the Nations and their souls perceive their hand has been strengthened and Israel's has been weakened, and the globalism secular Jews have pushed for (eliminating the divide-and-conquer safety mechanism the Dispersion of Shinar provides) backfires as the Nations conspire against them. This is the subtext of Maccabees, Ester, 2 Kings, etc. Only secular Jews think Hasbara can save their dumb asses and shape public opinion; religious Jews know only moral conduct can limit what the Accuser has license to do. In the near future, the secular Jews (the Mixed Multitude) will be ripped away and suck life from Israel no longer, letting true Israel avert the evil decrees that would otherwise be brought on them.

I can't change what pollution is in the mind of heretics and idol worshipers. Truth is not the limiting reacting, moral uprightness is. They'll just turn on me and call me a shill. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."

Antiracist4 ago

That's not me.