Reducing Bolshevism - or indeed anything outside specific Jewish endeavors - to jo0z is a retard's fixation. I've refuted the idea that Bolshevism was 'Jewish' countless times. Anyone that has read my posts on the subject and doesn't get it by now can join your club I reckon. That Jews may have been involved in a specific instance of execution of the royal family is neither here nor there. The revolution as a whole was not 'Jewish'. Neither was the Iraq War for that matter.
None | Jews May Have Killed Russia's Last Czar Nicholas II In Ritual Murder, Investigators Claim
'Conspiracy theories blaming Jews for the communist revolution were also popular among post-revolution Russian emigres and Russian Orthodox Church members abroad. ', "In reality, some important Bolshevik leaders were Jews, but the majority of Russia's Jewish population did not support the Bolsheviks."
'The Russian Orthodox Church made the Czar and his family saints in 2000. ', "The head of Russia's Orthodox Church is launching an investigation into whether the last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his family were victims of a ritual murder carried out by angry Jews in 1918, Church leaders revealed in a statement Tuesday."
'Yakov Sverdlov, another Bolshevik involved in the killing of the last czar, was also Jewish, conspiracy theorists point out. '
Nobody toppling a regime would leave potential heirs alive, regardless of the cause. This is why the US killed Saddam's sons quickly
You do mean the ((( Neo-Conservatives ))) of the PNAC that planned, pushed, and provoked the invasion of Iraq "killed Saddam's sons quickly", correct? Or are you trying to avoid admitting that truth as well?
Joe_McCarthy ago
Reducing Bolshevism - or indeed anything outside specific Jewish endeavors - to jo0z is a retard's fixation. I've refuted the idea that Bolshevism was 'Jewish' countless times. Anyone that has read my posts on the subject and doesn't get it by now can join your club I reckon. That Jews may have been involved in a specific instance of execution of the royal family is neither here nor there. The revolution as a whole was not 'Jewish'. Neither was the Iraq War for that matter.
KosherHiveKicker ago
No. I asking you to admit that the fucking Kikes are the only reason the U.S. invaded Iraq in the first place.
Grospoliner ago
Because he's a kike too.
Xax ago
What? Jew McCarthy is a kike?
Grospoliner ago
It's so hard to tell right?
derram ago :
'Conspiracy theories blaming Jews for the communist revolution were also popular among post-revolution Russian emigres and Russian Orthodox Church members abroad. ', "In reality, some important Bolshevik leaders were Jews, but the majority of Russia's Jewish population did not support the Bolsheviks."
'The Russian Orthodox Church made the Czar and his family saints in 2000. ', "The head of Russia's Orthodox Church is launching an investigation into whether the last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his family were victims of a ritual murder carried out by angry Jews in 1918, Church leaders revealed in a statement Tuesday."
'Yakov Sverdlov, another Bolshevik involved in the killing of the last czar, was also Jewish, conspiracy theorists point out. '
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KosherHiveKicker ago
You do mean the ((( Neo-Conservatives ))) of the PNAC that planned, pushed, and provoked the invasion of Iraq "killed Saddam's sons quickly", correct? Or are you trying to avoid admitting that truth as well?
KosherHiveKicker ago
Right... and so did their 5 young children.