Ok, apologies then. The problem with the ccp limits is it's a way to silence opinion. Ok, spam needs to be controlled, but if you opinion isn't "gas the kikes" you're downvoted and effectively banned from posting.
Ok, trying to reply and it says I've a 10 comment in 24 hour limit. I've only made 8 and it won't allow me to post, so something is messed up. I'll leave this tab open and try again
This is something for @PuttItOut I reckon. If Reddit sends people scurrying here and the nutzi circle jerk brigades the newcomers into negative CCP - that isn't good if limits as you describe are in force.
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the_magic_man ago
So, freedom of speech - as long as it's what @Joe_McCarthy agrees with.
Joe_McCarthy ago
Major misread, Batman. I'm glad you're able to post freely.
Welcome back.
the_magic_man ago
Ok, apologies then. The problem with the ccp limits is it's a way to silence opinion. Ok, spam needs to be controlled, but if you opinion isn't "gas the kikes" you're downvoted and effectively banned from posting.
Ok, trying to reply and it says I've a 10 comment in 24 hour limit. I've only made 8 and it won't allow me to post, so something is messed up. I'll leave this tab open and try again
Joe_McCarthy ago
You're dead on on the CCP.
So you actually are limited then? I was hoping it had been completely lifted.
the_magic_man ago
No, it's 3 new threads and probably 10 comments in 24 hours. No links allowed in comments, no downvoating, 10 upvotes.
Joe_McCarthy ago
I see.
This is something for @PuttItOut I reckon. If Reddit sends people scurrying here and the nutzi circle jerk brigades the newcomers into negative CCP - that isn't good if limits as you describe are in force.