acheron2012 ago

Laws MUST be objective. Otherwise you have government by caprice not fixed rules. This was the root of the jury system - to allow real humans rather than professional legal drones act as a safety valve against unjust prosecution.

However there is no place in the human experience where digital objectivity fails us as completely as age based laws.

Set aside sex since we are incapable of a rational discussion on the subject.

How young is too young to drive?

How old is too old to drive?

A few 13yo are certainly capable of driving. Many many times that number of 30yo are not.

An 80yo does not have the reaction time of a 17yo. But he has Vast experience which can materially change the outcome of any given situation.

There is no right answer to these problems. There isn’t even any good answer to these problems.

When the government decided to insert itself into people’s sex lives it picked 13 because that was considered marrying age for a female.

However a 13yo in 1920 wS more mature than a 40yo today. Should that matter to the government? Maybe. Maybe not.

A lot of states have crept up to the outrageous age of 18 for sex and are trying very hard to make 18 the age to drive.

The horrific problem here is it gives young people no opportunity to grow up. They are legal infants until the day they are declared adults and thrown naked into mainstream society. It is little wonder that overhalf of them fail the transition.

Call_Of_Goat ago

"We spending most our lives in a pedophiles paradise"

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think this hysteria over 'pedos' mostly comes from uptight Americans.