If you want to keep the reddit architecture it would seem to me you need to get rid of downvotes. Then you need the ability to ban trolls, disruptors, and retards. Who those people are is subjective - but the site management would naturally determine that.
Or maybe a less ambitious idea would be to make more intelligent people mods here and try and make this sub an oasis against stupidity and clownishness.
BrennKommando ago
I've said it for a while now that the sign up CAPTCHA should be thrown away and replaced with an IQ test. Let everyone wear their score right next to their name. I would also propose that absolutely no one with a score of less than 120 should ever be allowed to run a sub.
noob_tube ago
Easy to beat with bots. Check my 10,000 IQ incomming.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
You just described reddit.
Joe_McCarthy ago
Probably something more like The Phora. Or Salo. Something like what I have in mind would not ban racism.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
So just soft porn and obscure references to the Roman Empire?
Joe_McCarthy ago
Dunno. But good management is very key. They need to be tolerant yet not PC. Or maybe PC and tolerant are mutually exclusive.
And Salo Forum is more like a not so obscure reference to Fascist Italy.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
I would be banned first post?
Joe_McCarthy ago
From the new site I have in mind? Probably not.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Ever get sick of talking about who's fucking us over while at the same time not talking about any solutions?
Joe_McCarthy ago
Yes. And I do talk about solutions. But it really involves people getting off their asses in a major way.
SturmUndTrinker ago
So, it's like you are asking if there is some kind of Open Source forum platform out there... something you could host, modify and run as you wish?
No, nothing out there.
Joe_McCarthy ago
Well, there is Poal and Phucks. So alternatives are already there with the same basic reddit architecture. So it can be done. In their cases I think it is more an issue of not having the right administration perhaps or the right safeguards to keep out undesirables.