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Cransch ago

He's one of the resident subversive elements of Voat. Useless eater, useful idiot, has-been wannabe game developer.

His schlick is calling everyone a pedo. It's his autism expression. It's designed to waste your time making you defend yourself, which of course serves no purpose other than to give additional exposure to the accusation - and sine most Voat users, just like most NPC's in the Western World, are room-temperature IQ desensitized lemmings, they'll be psychologically programmed to hate the person defending themselves because of the annoyance of information bombardment friction.

In other words, ignore it and it's powerless. Respond, and you lose.

theoldones ago

15-16 there.

Got the borderline jailbait vibe going.


please explain joe mcarthy liking "jailbait"

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, I didn't remark on her being 6-7 for crying out loud.

You see, there are two kinds of guys. The first are those that are attracted to 16 year old girls and are upfront about it and then guys like you. The age of consent is even as low as 16 in some US states. About that in some other Western states. But most people, or at least most Americans, probably think of it as 18.

In any case none of this touches on pedophilia. I take it you don't actually know what pedophilia is.

And you're still going to get banned for another post you made in this sub. But I suppose not before I expose your ignorance as I'm starting to do now.

theoldones ago

jailbait implies underage

if that's your fetish you are attracted to underage and therefore you must die.

24 hours. if you're still here at that point i make life difficult for you until you leave.

Joe_McCarthy ago

She would be underage in some jurisdictions. In others she'd be legal. I did say borderline.

In her case specifically she filmed that scene right around her 16th birthday. Hence my mention of 15-16. But filming started like two weeks before her 16th birthday so she might have been 15.

In any case you are threatening me for stuff that is legal in places like Maine and Hungary or some such. You've gotta be high or something.

heygeorge ago

You've gotta be high or something.

This is another accurate assessment. @theoldones loves to get high!

theoldones ago

She would be underage in some jurisdictions. In others she'd be legal. I did say borderline.

In her case specifically she filmed that scene right around her 16th birthday. Hence my mention of 15-16. But filming started like two weeks before her 16th birthday so she might have been 15.

In any case you are threatening me for stuff that is legal in places like Maine and Hungary or some such. You've gotta be high or something.

"She would be underage in some jurisdictions. In others she'd be legal. I did say borderline."

you deserve to be shot.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yep. You're on something. Or as good as.

I reckon this has now gone on long enough..

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Well im glad that didnt get out of hand. 😁

Cransch ago

I've already explained this. Literally his only objective is to waste your time, with endless discussions exactly like this, which he will endlessly link elsewhere accusing you while posting out of context lies.

You have the absolute easiest method to defeat everything he is trying to do if you simply ignore him. It's that simple. It makes this hobby of his meaningless, and it makes his method powerless.

Continuing is self-destructive. Choose wisely.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, I don't think any reasonable person is going to side with him here on this. I think it was useful to explain myself here though. At least once.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You know i forgot Alicia was in that Crush movie. She was hot.