Grospoliner ago

And each single one of them were worth more than all of your worthless screed.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I notice you're also rather prominently placed on that list.

Grospoliner ago

You can't help but to lie shecklegruber. Pathetic.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your lack of intelligence is indicative of being a fed. Just sayin'.

Grospoliner ago

Your lack of literacy is indicative of you being a fucking nigger.

Learn to Control F faggot.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Potato or potatoe, officer.

Grospoliner ago

Be @Joe_McCarthy

Be such a fucking retarded nigger faggot that he can't read.

Be so arrogant that he can't admit being wrong despite having linked to an archived page providing incontrovertible proof that he's wrong.

You are a kike.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Actually, I take it back. I misread. You are not on the list. You're acting like a fuckin' moron though so it is in line with these other suspicious characters I've been dealing with today.

I reckon now it's just a matter of how long I want subversives to disrupt my sub.

Grospoliner ago

You're acting like a fuckin' moron

Speak for yourself kike.

spaceman84 ago

120,000 antisemitic comments? Oy vey what kind of monster could make 600,000 posts denying the shoah? There's just no way even an e-Nazi could commit 1.2 million hate crimes in a single year!

Tallest_Skil ago

So you’re either illiterate or don’t actually know what comes after ‘reminder.’ How’s about you prove me wrong for once, okay chief? Either that or quit fucking whining about me being right.

Tallest_Skil ago

I say it because I don’t need to say anything else. You know what comes after reminder.

Joe_McCarthy ago

More like I'll go through his post history. 21,215 total comments in 365 days strongly suggests we are not simply dealing with a one person, normal account.

scandalous-goat ago

While it is definitely possible with those S*BH accounts, 60 posts a day isn't unthinkable with one unemployed dude.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Day after day after day... through 365 days? Nuh uh. Ain't likely.

scandalous-goat ago

More than you think, see saba (dial_indicator) and other autists. Some people's life is on the internet: that's all they have.

Joe_McCarthy ago

And you call me the lolcow.

Enjoy your time here. I suspect you'll be needing another alt to harass me here again.

scandalous-goat ago

You have a hard time dealing with being told you are wrong, am I right?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Unfortunately for you I know how this shit works. And even if you weren't doing it you've still been flouting the decorum guidelines. You see, whether it is the FBI or socialist drug addicts - they still don't get to come in here and shit everything up.

scandalous-goat ago

all because I told you that you're wrong. Gotcha, you hate freedom of speech.

Or maybe you just noticed my bio, kek. BTW, overreacting is a sign of being a lolcow ;)

scandalous-goat ago

How am I harassing you right now?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Okay. That's once. Five days ago.

Joe_McCarthy ago

If so 'he' hasn't said it in the last 9 days. I just went through 'his' comments

Joe_McCarthy ago

He must say that an awful lot.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Explain what reminder means.

MrBateman ago

60 comments per day wtf

scandalous-goat ago

Who cares? Stop acting like an asshole and people will leave you alone.

Yixdee ago

And almost a dozen of them were coherent.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, the little coward can’t even post his own beliefs

Tallest_Skil ago

Stop worshipping me as a god, admitted shill. When you’re capable of substantiating any of the claims you make here, maybe you’ll have similar comments.

Joe_McCarthy ago

How did you make 21,215 total comments in 365 days?

Tallest_Skil ago

Why can’t you refute a single one of them?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Answer my question. How did you make 21,215 total comments in 365 days?

Tallest_Skil ago

Answer my question: Why can’t you refute a single thing I said, shill? That’s far more important to me. Why are you so terrified of reality? Why are you pissing your pants in fear of whites speaking out more frequently than you can even BE paid to spam us? Where are your submissions for the people who made more comments than me?

Why can’t you prove me wrong?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I see you cannot answer how you made 21,215 total comments in 365 days. I can speculate how - and why - but we know you did it. Somehow.

Tallest_Skil ago

what is typing

This is how brain damaged you actually are. You are this clinically insane. Why can’t you refute a single thing I said, shill? That’s far more important to me. Why are you so terrified of reality? Why are you pissing your pants in fear of whites speaking out more frequently than you can even BE paid to spam us? Where are your submissions for the people who made more comments than me?

Why can’t you prove me wrong?

Yixdee ago

Why can’t you prove me wrong?

Because the laws of nature do it for us.

Tallest_Skil ago

nothing whatsoever to prove his claim

Who are you and what did I prove you wrong about.

Yixdee ago



Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, I broke the bot.