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scandalous-goat ago

Take your pills, schizo.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Anyone that mentions a possibility like this is accused of being crazy. Paranoid.

scandalous-goat ago

It's somewhat of a meme. People posting conspiracy stuff get told to "take your pills, schizo". Since you told us that we're conspiracy theorists, it's just too funny to tell you that. What's worse is that you bite. I'm starting to realize that you are a proper boomer. Gotta be careful or you'll have a heart attack.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The bane of conspiracy theories is Occam's razor. It doesn't mean intelligent operations or whatever are impossible or never occur. Given what is going on around here: the question is - is this happening? Can it happen?

I gave my take. You responded by calling me crazy. Nice argument.

I might eventually need a sub rule change. Depends how much I want to put up with your nonsense I suppose.

scandalous-goat ago

I told you quite a few times already: quit acting like a puerile faggot and people will stop downvoting you. Quite easy and it explains the phenomenon you're seeing quite nicely.

(you just can't help yourself sucking on those cocks…)

Joe_McCarthy ago

It explains a bunch of nutzis attacking me with downvotes for not thinking Jews are responsible for male pattern baldness. The types that get heavily upvoted.

That could very well be what this is all about. Or butthurt kids assmad at me for whatever reason. But this is a bit broader than just me.

After all, I didn't say what I described in the OP is actually happening. You know that, right?

scandalous-goat ago

Then why post it? You need attention? You had no kids and you feel alone at the retirement home?

Why do you care about what's being upvoted? Because you can't control the narrative? Are you here for that? That would make you a shill, you understand?

Do you like pizza?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I posted it because I think it is plausible. You responded with a personal attack for so much as mentioning it.

scandalous-goat ago

So all your other threads complaining about your downvotes are also make believe?

You're getting close to the banhammer by the way. Keep it up.

I see how you feel about freedom of speech.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're here to harass me:

Don't really give a fuck why you are. But you're breaking the rules. Kiddo.

scandalous-goat ago

Come on, join the discord group, it'll be fun.