kulturkampf ago

Just take a look in the Politics subvoat.

Literally a quarter of the new posts have incredibly inflammatory titles that any new visitor would look at and want to scram.

It's pretty disgraceful to front load all this garbage.

The white pill is that a significant amount of it is regularly downvoated.

yids_rape_kids ago

Obviously it is because there you are.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Don't you mean ((( ANTIFA )))?

z441 ago

I think you're reading too much into this. Antifa probably doesn't know this forum exists. Why don't you try just ignoring the crazies. That's what I do. And why are you posting soft porn. I mean, I don't care, but it cheapens the atmosphere. It doesn't contribute to intellectual discussions.

963189_137 ago

This is my issue with him, that and I think he is jewish. The porn has zero affect on me but it is totally inappropriate on VOAT, there are other better places for him to 'explore his own sexuality' in PRIVATE. No one wants to know about his fantasies otherwise they wouldn't be 'fantasies' they would be 'realities'.

Joe_McCarthy ago

In light of the Iron March database leak and OE's association with it it is very unlikely antifa does not know about Voat.

Antifa also knows about Occidental Enclave specifically.


WhiteMan ago

Stop complaining.

sore_ass_losers ago

Me being under sustained downvote attack.

I downvoated your recent porno posting. I think you subjected yourself to a sustained downvote attack on that one. Probably makes people take you less seriously.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yes. Because as I think everyone knows me getting heavily downvoted only started when I posted a gif the other day

scandalous-goat ago

You've been posting pornography for more than a couple days. Your memory isn't what it was, eh?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Some months. Been getting smashed with downvotes for years. The poster I was responding to was also referring to a specific, recent incident. So context is key. But of course you know this already. Or are handicapped in some way.

scandalous-goat ago

Or are handicapped in some way.

Slow down with your insults.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not necessarily an insult. Could be that you just lack enough info or are simply very hostile to me personally and are probably not going to be expected to be objective when I'm concerned. We know that last part is true. The only question is why.

scandalous-goat ago

Now that I know you are a boomer, i actually believe you that you aren't jewish.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not a boomer.

963189_137 ago

I think you would be better off in a different forum if you want to post porn. There are loads of internet forums that would cater to your interests and be a better match for them.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I will agree that he is NOT a boomer.

Boomers don't cry about internet points, and retreat into safespaces the specifically create unlike @Joe_McCarthy

scandalous-goat ago

Oh fugg, deja vu

KosherHiveKicker ago


It's just you posting your BBC fetish, and /crying for downvoating to be removed.

Crensch ago

He's not wrong. I can't stand the fucker, but what's going on is the kevdude/PV/(((SBBH))) exercising what they can to try and take down the last subs without a cucked mod.

I was pretty sure I was the only mod fighting this fight, but it wouldn't surprise me if he is, as well. He deserves to have his little shithole just like the Q people deserve to have a Q sub, and StoneToss deserved a sub, and numerous others.

963189_137 ago

I don't care about 'voting' and I never have. Things are fine without it. People don't 'need' to vote on shit. Just remove it altogether. 'Voting' is just one more way for the parasites to try consensus cracking.

Crensch ago

Nice try, glownigger. Marxism is glownigger territory, too. Societies need to be able to police themselves, and voting helps with that.

963189_137 ago

I feel sorry for you if VOAT is your version of 'society'. Be sure to pet your 6 gazillion cats when you get up to get another glass of wine.

Crensch ago

Voat is the definition of a society. Subs are a microcosm of that.

Sorry you don't like words, and what they mean, incel.

963189_137 ago

Voat is the definition of society.

How humiliating for you. In 20 years the internet is going to be where you spend you geriatric days, in an old folks home, pining for the 'days of yor' sonny...when porn war free and they world was filled with tranny furry love.


Crensch ago

I'm sorry you have reading comprehension issues mr. Handicapped man.

SandHog ago

Voat hasn't been organic in a very long time. Most people probably aren't even aware of this conversation, it's follow up and the implications behind them. Most people also likely don't know about this particular downvote brigading piece of shit. Gee, what do these things all have in common?

Is it any wonder that Voat sucks when any moderator who creates unique and interesting content has long since been trolled, ridiculed, brigaded and in some cases doxed off the site? All done under the banner of Free Speech. What is the point of trying to build anything positive under these conditions? It's been happening for years now.

Voat doesn't have an immune system. It has terminal cancer.

963189_137 ago


MrPim ago

Where did these audio recordings come from?

SandHog ago

Some podcast or mumble convo that @kevdudes 'buddy' had with someone else about their manipulation of Voat with the sole purpose of driving off moderators that didn't do what they want. Want to know how to kill a community? Kill the people off who are most vested in growing it because those would be the moderators. Want to know why? You'd have to ask @kevdude or the trolls he enabled.

MadWorld ago

Is it any wonder that Voat sucks when any moderator who creates unique and interesting content has long since been trolled, ridiculed, brigaded and in some cases doxed off the site? All done under the banner of Free Speech. What is the point of trying to build anything positive under these conditions? It's been happening for years now.

Why bother creating and nurturing a subverse, knowing it will be burnt to the ground. There is enough room for users to create their own subverses, places with focused and on-topic discussions. At least that is what a subverse is supposed to be. Now imagine no further, a group of mafia comes in, exercises their "Free Speech" and delivers "democracy" to the subverse. Anyone else suppressing their Free Speech will be publicly humiliated and/or executed. And now the subverse either becomes a ghost town, is assigned with new owner, or is socialized into a system subverse. And the shitshow continues...

Now, amplify its effect, where the group of mofia promotes "Free Speech" and "democracy" to other subverses, for as long as they can. Years come by, the intended functions of subverse are poisoned, blurred, and demolished (imagine illegal aliens exercising their free speech, with no respect to the community). What we have now is one giant subverse called Voat, run by the mafia, without effective structure or border against them, so to speak. The subverses do not really exist, other than in their names. Anyone still tries to defend one's community is once again met with public execution, where examples are once again demonstrated and intensified.

This leaves organic users with very selective options.

  1. Join them or turn an blind eye on them, and stay.
  2. Leave Voat to find another community, and awaits the same inevitable.
  3. Or you could try to fight back and protect your own community, if you still have some fucks left to give, knowing that it will cost you dearly and consume your energy.

The consequence of option 1, the quality of organic content will demolish to the ground and become the new normal. The frogs will still live happily. For the option 2, LOLs, there are not many good communities left that are not cucked or jewed. Where else are you going to run, to the space? Would you still be running if this 1% we have right now is normalized into that 99%? And if that 100% become reality, would you be willing to suck someone's cock, just to survive without dignity? Finally, the option 3, whoever are willing to sacrifice, I hope you can make subverses great again!!

With limited options at hand, reality constraints us all. We have our families to take care of. We have jobs, duties, and responsibilities. That means we almost certainly will not have enough time or energy to donate and guard this place, unless it is a job. This brings up another question. With the exception of kids and students alike, why certain users exercise so much presence on this platform? Unless they are paid to be here...

Voat doesn't have an immune system. It has terminal cancer.

Shit subverse should keep shit contained within its own subverse. Do what it wants as it pleases. Declare yourself a king of kings, or feed yourself with your own feces, or post more degenerate media. No one cares, so long as it is contained and others have the option to block that subverse. If a shit subverse tries to enforce its intestinal function into other vital organs(subverses), terminal cancer is the least of our concerns.

963189_137 ago

This will eventually teach you that subhuman trash does not have the same values Europeans have. They never will...everything they do and are is destructive rather than constructive. This is why trying to organize ANYTHING interesting or productive on the web is going to result in failure. Even IRL people can barely contain their envy and rage...online it is 10,000 times worse. I think the web is actually a failure in human communication that we will (when it is a European Ethnoglobe) look back on with disgust and revulsion.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I browse all / new a lot and I would say that it is rare to find an actual post-post. Most things are links to stories or meme pictures, etc. It's hard to initiate an actual discussion here except in response to a linked story, etc.

However I suspect there is some kind of script that runs that downvotes your posts or just this board in general. It wouldn't be hard to write something like that. One time I posted something here and it was downvoted immediately. I mean... so quickly that there is no way anybody could have read it or clicked on the link.

963189_137 ago

They have bot armies that can downvote anything. Once they finished destroying Reddit they began work on the smaller websites.

scandalous-goat ago

If you actually browse all / new, you'd know how op behaves. He whines a lot but he did it to himself. You reap what you sow.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I can't say there's anybody on Voat that I indiscriminately downvote. Anybody who does that as part of some grudge is really pathetic.

scandalous-goat ago

_I don't know if there's anyone who's indiscriminately downvoat op, but whenever he gets heavily downvoted, it's because it deserves to be downvoted, for example, posting pornography in /v/whatever without tagging it nsfw. There's a problem if he can't see why it bothers users here. Or you know, he's seriously dishonest.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Considering I've only got 1 person downvoting all my stuff, i'd say it's extremely rare

scandalous-goat ago

I don't know if there's anyone who's indiscriminately downvoat op, but whenever he gets heavily downvoted, it's because it deserves to be downvoted, for example, posting pornography in /v/whatever without tagging it nsfw. There's a problem if he can't see why it bothers users here. Or you know, he's seriously dishonest.

scandalous-goat ago

Take your pills, schizo.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Anyone that mentions a possibility like this is accused of being crazy. Paranoid.

scandalous-goat ago

It's somewhat of a meme. People posting conspiracy stuff get told to "take your pills, schizo". Since you told us that we're conspiracy theorists, it's just too funny to tell you that. What's worse is that you bite. I'm starting to realize that you are a proper boomer. Gotta be careful or you'll have a heart attack.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The bane of conspiracy theories is Occam's razor. It doesn't mean intelligent operations or whatever are impossible or never occur. Given what is going on around here: the question is - is this happening? Can it happen?

I gave my take. You responded by calling me crazy. Nice argument.

I might eventually need a sub rule change. Depends how much I want to put up with your nonsense I suppose.

scandalous-goat ago

I told you quite a few times already: quit acting like a puerile faggot and people will stop downvoting you. Quite easy and it explains the phenomenon you're seeing quite nicely.

(you just can't help yourself sucking on those cocks…)

Joe_McCarthy ago

It explains a bunch of nutzis attacking me with downvotes for not thinking Jews are responsible for male pattern baldness. The types that get heavily upvoted.

That could very well be what this is all about. Or butthurt kids assmad at me for whatever reason. But this is a bit broader than just me.

After all, I didn't say what I described in the OP is actually happening. You know that, right?

scandalous-goat ago

Then why post it? You need attention? You had no kids and you feel alone at the retirement home?

Why do you care about what's being upvoted? Because you can't control the narrative? Are you here for that? That would make you a shill, you understand?

Do you like pizza?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I posted it because I think it is plausible. You responded with a personal attack for so much as mentioning it.

scandalous-goat ago

So all your other threads complaining about your downvotes are also make believe?

You're getting close to the banhammer by the way. Keep it up.

I see how you feel about freedom of speech.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're here to harass me:


Don't really give a fuck why you are. But you're breaking the rules. Kiddo.

scandalous-goat ago

Come on, join the discord group, it'll be fun.

Far2Long2 ago

You may be over-analysing, OP. There's plenty of good content on Voat - but you have to scroll through plenty of rubbish, given that this is a free speech site. No doubt there are wreckers, bots, shills etc. The site keeps going down for "maintenance". The user base is probably changing: new people join, old ones leave - so posting and voting behaviour won't be the same as it was a year ago, or two years ago.

Trying to manage who votes what, or what people can or cannot post would, imho, begin a process of censorship, ending in a sterile cat pic safe space. Just my thoughts.

MemeDropAcct ago

Trying to manage who votes what

Not necessary. Just making the user associated with votes visible would solve a lot of the obvious vote fuckyness. That isn't policing or censoring anything, just bringing the cockroaches into the light and making people own their votes instead of being able to cunt downvote without ever being known.

Far2Long2 ago

Respect your view. Love the Occidental sub. Disagree though.

Any form of disclosure will skew behaviour and is inimical to free speech.

963189_137 ago

Remove the votes. Period. We don't need them. We all have a functional brain.

MemeDropAcct ago

Freedom of speech ends when someone shits in the pool. Knowing who is doing the shitting is the simplest way to reduce that problem.

SandHog ago

This guy gets it.

Far2Long2 ago

Supposing one of your best contributors shits in the pool for fun?

MemeDropAcct ago

Then he needs to own his turds. Shitting in the pool is not free speech, it is removing the right of others to do so.

Qispoop5 ago

Yes. I'm in charge of the operation. I make 1 million ILS a year.