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TheGreatAustralian ago

If the Sept. 11, 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre of about 140 California bound wagoneers by Mormons disguised as Indians had been prosecuted to its fullest potential, there would be no Mormons today since Brigham Young and the entire Mormon hierarchy would have been hanged!

Forty two white men were hanged at Gainesville, Texas in 1862 for failing to support the Confederacy, the same year thirty eight Santee Sioux were hanged in Minnesota, after five American settlers were killed by Indians whose case rested on their assertion the settlers had fired first.

Eighty five Irish traitors were justly hanged in New Mexico in 1846, they deserted General Taylor’s command and joined Santa Anna’s forces in Mexico, the deserters then crossed back into Texas and slew eleven of their former comrades from ambush on the northern bank of the Rio Grande.

Fifty four Mormons took part in the Mountain Meadows Massacre of whom thirty two were from England, Brigham Y was up to his neck in it all as well he received livestock and property looted from the wagons .. John D Lee Mormon Bishop and adopted son of BY was the single Mormon executed by firing squad in 1877.

The Paiutes Deny Involvement .. Brevet Major Carleton, "[the scene was] too horrible and sickening for language to describe, human skeletons, disjointed bones, ghastly skulls and the hair of women were scattered in frightful profusion over a distance of two miles, the remains dismembered and flesh stripped from the bones by wolves, then only such bones were buried as lay scattered along nearest the road."

Travis Wayne Goodsell, Utah Plans to Murder the Homeless - The State Legislature met in emergency session to discuss ways to "murder, punish & torture them" while shelters have become "prison camps!" Link.

Salt Lake City solved ts homeless problem by rounding 'em up and allegedly knocking around 22,000 of them off, FEMA genocide centers are said to be located at Provo Utah .. they are not averse to killing their own ppl, so it seems the rest of us would have little chance if they ever got the Soros financed upper hand, I call them "Followers of the False Prophet."


September 11 is an occult sacrificial date.