shawnfromnh69 ago

atheism is my lack of religion, I don't pray to satan or against your god. I think your god is make believe and all gods are. I don't usually say anything out of politeness but you are not being polite in your inquisition of me so I'll treat you the same. As for IQ mine is likely higher than yours is. I don't live inside your thinking box so I am free to adsorb knowledge from all sources. Just because you believe in Jesus doesn't make you smarter and if you think it does is an ignorant assumption. I am a Trump supporter not some brainwashed SJW. When I joined the navy I feel asleep during an exam for deciding my career, the test they used was the California College entrance exam. I took it after being awake"I was excited" for 3 days. I fell asleep during the exam and still rated in the top 98th percentile. I was an aviation electronics technician and this was during the 80's, I have forgotten most of my stuff it's been decades but I learned how to do hexadecimal mathematics and we used lights to show our results because the navy did not have regular computers back then and had switchboards still with physical switches in the classrooms. I am over 50 and likely have a lot more life experience and common sense than you also making decisions on morality by what group I have and have not joined. I just do not enjoy the group think of the catholic church. My thoughts are original unlike you own indoctrinationist feelings.

shawnfromnh69 ago

OK here's a response, judgement I don't think you know what that word means. It means classifying me as immoral is you judging me. YOu judged"decided" I had to be immoral because I don't believe in god. Morality is a set of rules to live a civilized life to me. To not hurt others and to help when needed, not being a judge on another's personal choices. This is america not a muslim country so I have that right to choose what to believe. I choose not to believe in what I see no proof in my opinion. And who's to say your choice of god is the right one. What do you think the worshipers of Zeus were like or any of the hundreds of religions. Just because you chose this religion doesn't make you any more right than any other worshiper ever, I don't like Islam because it's a brutal religion, an authoritarian religion of zealots. So don't be a zealot, it's unbecoming.

shawnfromnh69 ago

You sound like a reborn christians, most christians can't stand the reborn ones because they are balls to the wall on rules and shit and they say away from them that they can't stand them. I just stand and listen to this stuff so if you haven't heard this about someone you are the someone.

shawnfromnh69 ago

I swear like a sailor because I was one. My atheism is not so I can be immoral but just because I don't believe in a god of any kind. I don't steal, I don't do one night stands, I don't lie "often and try to never" , I basically follow the 10 commandments because they are common sense, I just don't believe. Doesn't make me immoral. I don't like homosexuality, hate pedo's with a passion, think all Islam would burn to the fucking ground. As your religion says "Don't judge me, god is the only judge" also because you cannot see into my heard so you fucked up that judgment totally. You might want to stop categorizing me like you're a leftist categorizing races.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

You should have gotten banned. I'm flabbergasted. You're the worst one on this site you queer.

lord_nougat ago

That's an insult to queers. In this freaky isolated case. He's queerer than queer!

shawnfromnh69 ago

The site is free speech so suck my dick faggot. You want christian than hang on a christian website. Here ya go, likely no swearing or saying some muslim must die but this site is for christians.

lord_nougat ago

Why do you have a dick faggot? Homo!

shawnfromnh69 ago

For you mother, she loves the cock but everyone knows that.

lord_nougat ago

I should call her.

But I thank you for your service.

Rellik88 ago

Burn the Poal pay the toll. Fuck off jews.

Hey_Sunshine ago


DeadFox ago

Nah fuck that sodomite

BigFatDaddy ago

Poal is gay. Ol' pole smokin' Joe will fit right in over there.

Titus-of-Voat ago

I haven't seen any evidence of that. What makes you say so?

We have a user who actively posts to a Catholic sub, not my brand of Christianity, but I don't see anyone making disparaging comments towards him.

WickerMan ago

Joe_McCarthy 3 points (+3|-0) 5 hours ago Edited 5 hours ago

Good job.

Just for the record it is my understanding Putt had some assistance in reviewing data in determining 'manipulation'. I'd be very curious to know who these Voat users are. Given Voat's demographics there is a very good chance they are anti-Semites. Anyone familiar with my post history can probably imagine what I mean here.

edit: >

Ozark 0 point (+0|-0) just now

You have been kicked off 109 sites and it's never your fault. Putt is just a vile anti-semite.

BillyLuath ago

Why the hell would I want to do that???

scandalous-goat ago

Hahaha, the kike got banned!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Now that is damn interesting. Two of the board owners banned? weird how it was occidental enclave, a "western identity" sub that refused to acknowledge that western identity is white identity.

ConquistadorCoronado ago

I didn't know he was Jewish. Why are people now saying he is?

Octocopter ago

You could never under any circumstance get him to say anything negative about kikes. His recent propaganda focus/tool here was to sow divide between the Left and Right and to redirect white anger onto blacks and Muslims.

If you don't believe me go to him and ask to disavow the Rabbis who suck blood from an infants sliced open genitals and end up giving them AIDS, watching him try to deflect is worth the effort.

TheAntiZealot ago

Not sure why you think that's a sudden thing.