1Iron_Curtain ago

This test was probably made by a Jew. Everyone knows the 2006 Lebanese War was started when Israel invaded the Beqqa Valley region.

You are a 43% Anti-Semite!

"You are quite a Jew-hating little bigot, aren't you? You probably think only someone exactly like YOU could ever conceivably contribute to the world. Well, guess what? You're not contributing--you're detracting. People like you are the reason hate crimes still exist. Oh, you may not act on your impulses, but boy, would you like to. Get a life."

I guess this is not bad for someone who uses the word Zionist quite frequently.

KosherHiveKicker ago

  • Anti-Israel? Yes.
  • Anti-Zionist? Yes.
  • Anti-"Israel-First" Dual-Citizens In The United States? Yes.
  • Anti-Agenda Pushing ((( Hollywood )))? Yes.
  • Anti-90% Control Of ((( Media )))? Yes.
  • Anti-AIPAC's Undue Influence In Elections? Yes
  • Anti-((( Federal Reserve ))) "Banking"? Yes
  • Anti-Male Infant Cock-Slurping? Yes
  • Anti-Male Infant Genital Mutilation? Yes
  • Anti-((( Multiculturalism )))? Yes
  • Anti-Annual Billion Dollar Welfare Checks To Israel? Yes
  • Anti-"7 Wars For Greater Israel"? Yes
  • Anti-((( SPLC )))? Yes
  • Anti-((( ANTIFA )))? Yes
  • Anti-((( Tech Industry-Social Media ))) Censorship of White Conservative Christians? Yes
  • Anti-((( Common Core )))? Yes

Joe_McCarthy ago

Pretty standard for anti-Semites to deny they are or even contest the validity of the term. It's bullshit of course. You are pretty much a classic anti-Semite. You blame Jews for all problems you care most about and even go so far as to unironically say there is a Jewish conspiracy. A lot of people that hate Jews will balk at believing in a conspiracy for fear of being thought a clown.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I didn't deny anything. Feel free to show me exactly where you claim I did.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Oh please.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Where specifically did I deny anything?

Skyrock ago

That quiz is rubbish. All the answers are loaded, resulting either in Happy Merchant stereotypes straight out of Der Stürmer or the chosen people basked in God's golden light who can do no wrong.

AdelaisNjall ago

Yes I am an I don't need a "test" to know that

Joe_McCarthy ago


You exhibit little or no prejudices, and you often wonder what all the stink is about the Jews, anyway. Why can't people just let other people practice their beliefs in peace? You respect the Jewish people, and you wish others would let go of their medieval-sounding superstitions. You are an open-minded person.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I'm anti-jew. I don't need a test for it