SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

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1Iron_Curtain ago

My family fought for the Union. I also have a relative who fought for the Germans in WWI. I even have someone in the family that defended some of the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials, or so I have been told.

Food_Stamp ago

You have confederates in your family of hebrew foreskin biters? Bullshit.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Get under a Sherman tank dipshit.

Food_Stamp ago

Pick your fat jewess ass up off your cat piss stained couch and come put me under one, you shekel nigress.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're too stupid for this sub. Another post like that one and I'm going to prove it.

Food_Stamp ago

Oy vey, shut it down!!!

Go ahead, jewess. Prove me right and show us all what a kike you are.

Joe_McCarthy ago

More like I'm going to do the mundane and ban a disruptive tard who's blatantly flouting our civility guidelines. You get a week in the cooler. Clean it up. The next one may be permanent. I don't really see any good reason to have you around.

Over and out.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

My mothers side were hilbilles in Arkansas prior to migrating west to california during the great depression, im sure there were a few. Although my mother was also 1/8th native American, as were both her mother and father. Cherokee, Choktaw, and Creek.