1Iron_Curtain ago

Definitely would have supported the revolution against Louis-Phillipe and the Hungarian revolt against the Austrians.

They deserved great representation and to have their own political system in place, as they had contributed greatly to the commercial and industrial development of Austria. Definitely would not have supported the 48ers in Germany.

They needed to be kicked out to the United States. Wilhelm IVth was right in cracking down on them. The Prussians had made so many concessions to these people and all they planned on doing was to plot to overthrow the monarchy.

Food_Stamp ago

Oh look, the kike is whining again...

Joe_McCarthy ago

Him unsubscribing got us from 1849 to 1848 by the way. I guess he can't count. Maybe he's drunk.

shadow332 ago

Not anymore, I unsubscribeed becuase you're a whiny faggot.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Didn't really realize you were this much of a pleb until recently. I thought you somewhat above the usual Jew haters around here. But you seem pretty immature for a guy that apparently is a family man with a military background and advanced degree. This whole dispute is a waste of time.

shadow332 ago

Still whining yawn I don't need to pretenetious and try to act smart on a fucking website.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, I know that much about you because you said those things about yourself. I don't personally talk about such stuff. At least I haven't seen you bragging about how much money you have.

shadow332 ago

Are you still whining? I don't give a fuck about your sub or your feelings. Now please stop commenting otherwise I'm blocking your whiny ass.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I thought you were leaving like a hour ago? Go sieg heil your buddies elsewhere on Voat. My job is done here.

shadow332 ago

That's it. You definitely have some sort of mental problem. Blocked.

Food_Stamp ago

He does, its called centuries of jewish inbreeding

shadow332 ago

It's a she? I thought it was some beta fag who was so sensitive and getting butthurt so easily. Now it makes sense...

Joe_McCarthy ago

Kinda bizarre that you latched onto a couple of threads and seemed to decide all I talk about are downvotes. With such discernment you probably don't belong here, yes.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your loss. Come back when you're interested in discussing topics rather than bitching about why I post them. I'm the adult in the room here.

shadow332 ago

Fuck off with your whining.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Man the barricades!