1Iron_Curtain ago

Yeah, I think they can if a situation triggers. It would have to take something big to do it, but they would get out there and start firing away.

Of course, in any Civil War it would come down to can the government control things quickly enough or bottle it up to keep it from free-falling. Don't think they would be ready for such a thing because they are too busy going after Trump. Most won't do anything though. Americans are pretty laid back and would not do anything stupid. That is one thing that favors the left. I think obesity is pretty bad in Eastern Europe, especially in Belarus. I don't know how that is relevant to our situation and how a Civil War here would be like the one being fought in the Ukraine. Its more likely it becomes a brawl where security forces take different sides and the government loses complete control and it becomes a battle of whether the far-left or far-right takes over power. Its that simple.

In this case the far-left has the numbers/agitators/probably a pretty significant arsenal, but certainly if they were to take Washington they would not have a way to run things and I think the far-right has better strategic numbers and knows how to utilize the military concept of tactical force to an ends that serves a greater purpose. It would be like dealing with a very difficult situation, where one is swamped. I think it would be a quick fight too, because usually when you have two forces like this in a tight corner one of them ends up squeezing out of the circle and getting the other to submit. It would be like a primetime fight with one trying to corner the other and then getting them to submit and I think the far-left would hold the advantage, which is where the fat middle aged guys with their boats and their semi-automatics come to hand in spreading out forces and trying to overwhelm the enemy.

You would also be surprised how many policeman and even military personnel would join the far-left. Most people who claim to be on the right of the right in this country are really leftist sympathizers.

Cambidillio ago

Fight or support others? Do they have access to helpful information? Can they assist with supplies? War isn't just mindless shooting.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The right-wing in the US mostly is middle aged or elderly people. So it's highly likely a lot of them would have to be frontline combat troops against significantly younger leftists of a multiracial variety.

NorthernMan ago

Maybe if they have a Walmart scooter.

But seriously, those calling for civil war need to consider whether or not they’d be willing to sacrifice their sons for that cause. Old men start wars, young men die in those wars

Joe_McCarthy ago

Pretty run-of-the-mill for people to send their sons off to war. Happens all the time. And for more frivolous reasons than a civil war is likely to be fought for. It is far from the worst prospect on the table in a serious domestic civil disturbance. We have large stockpiles of nuclear weapons on American soil.

ardvarcus ago

When a war starts, those fighting in it who are fat don't stay fat for very long.

sore_ass_losers ago

On the job training.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well at least they can lose the weight.

mostlyfriendly ago

Interesting thought.

Warfare is changing. No longer is it 18 year old kids in trenches with bolt action rifles.

Now it is asymmetric. Now everyone needs to be a strategist and an actor.

Yes, physical fitness is good; but mental stability / knowledge / fortitude / etc. will play a key roll.

I'm much older now, but there are many things I can do now that I couldn't do when I was 18. Most agree that intellectually men peak in their 40's.

Maybe the ideal is the body of a 18 year old and the mind of a 50 year old? One can dream, right?