ErrorHasNoRights ago

anti-Semitic white nationalists

Back in previous eras (when people were biologically smarter), the term anti-Semitic was simply a synonym for Christian. Go back to the 14th century and tell one of your ancestors that in 2018 the Jewish people of your country have influential power in finance, politics, education and communication and he would rightly tell you that the people of our time have let their brains fall out of their heads. Because the fact is, allowing Jews to influence your nation is inherently anti-Christian.

And now we have practically an anti-Christ in the White House.

immatureusername ago

"(((conspiracy theories)))". More like (((conspiracy fact)))

auralsects ago

I AGREE. The Russians hate us for our freedoms.

BTW you think McCarthy didn't realize he was mostly going after subversive kikes as a group?

Joe_McCarthy ago

What McCarthy thought in the 1950s is obviously not the issue here. But he had two Jews on his staff and according to one of them, Roy Cohn, was never an anti-Semite.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Sure thing, schlomo.

GuftaGess ago

Instead of promoting anti-americanism directly...they use antisemitism...since WHEN is America a semitic country? Being counterislamic or anti Christian isn't being counteramerican, we see those everywhere (fostered by media from semitic countries and produced by those FROM semitic countries) why is being COUNTERSEMITIC equivalent to being antiamerican?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism traffic closely oftentimes. On the far right they are often indistinguishable. Get people believing the US is ruled by Jews and that US policy is a reflection of hated Jews and you have someone that's going to oppose US policy. This translates in many cases to foreign policy and it definitely promotes Russian interests. Anti-Semites are usually more pro-Russian than some Russians.

GuftaGess ago

GEE, what a crazy coincidence. Are ProRusso actions inherently countersemitic, and why do you think? But aren't there Jews in Russia? What are some examples of the policy you mention and the "interests" it promotes? Can you be any more specific about how they "traffic closely oftentimes"?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think what I've said in my post to you is obviously true with little need for elaboration. Probably even casual observers will recognize how Russia friendly 'American' anti-Semites usually are.

Russia isn't inherently anti-Semitic though, no. But Russian intelligence has historically used a range of tools to undermine the United States. Promoting anti-Semitism might be one of them. Dunno.

My own observation is that some anti-Semites seem to be pushing a narrative that is pushed relentlessly no matter how much it is refuted and no matter how ridiculous the promoter is repeatedly shown to be. That suggests to me some of these guys could be working on script.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Get people believing the US is ruled by Jews

It is. Are you denying it?

Anti-Semites are usually more pro-Russian than some Russians.

You really should tell your IDF boss that AtomicPunk said that you need MOAR training because as of now you are not good at this at all.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

On the far right they are often indistinguishable.

"Nobody who is anti-Semitic is a real American, guys!"

Oh ok.

AOU ago

Yet another dumb theory from a kike puppet.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Holy fuck, jew, you just went to next-level shilling.

Crensch ago

"Disinfo" like the fact that Jews are generally the problem, and you are incapable of defending your rejection of those facts even 6 months after?

"Muh Russia."

Have an upvote so we can put your cowardice and inability to support your position on the front page.

AOU ago

I've got him AVE tagged as "Macron's butt licker".