GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Gotta have a fresh suply of young shiksas.

greycloud ago

whenever a state "saves" a girl that does not want to be saved, and puts her back into the environment that she was working to escape, they have performed a moral injustice. this is calling slavery liberation. it is nuspeak. the girl wishes to leave the country and is willing to whore herself out to do so. yet she is "saved" after she has succeeded, and is forced back into the situation she was trying to escape, and there she is a slave.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Typical Jew.... Blaming the victim.

Most are intentionally lied to by the ((( Russian Gangsters ))) promising a legitimate job in Israel, and upon arrival their passports/ID's are stolen and destroyed. They are then held captive, beaten, and gang-raped until they agree to produce shekels for their kike pimps.

greycloud ago

ok well then most of them are victims and are being saved. however the ones who worked hard to escape are victims of their "rescuers". i'm not saying there aren't real victims, i am saying that not all of them are victims and some of them know damn well what they are doing. not all of them have the same intentions. if you treat them all 100% the same you will be harming some and helping others. there needs to be some type of flexible policy that allows them to do what they choose to do.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Are they kept inside buildings with barred windows, and not allowed to leave?

I seriously doubt things are so bad in their original homes that they would actually consider "servicing" 15 fat, feta smelling Jews a day would be an improvement in living standards.

greycloud ago

the ones who are not allowed to leave are victims. this is true if they aren't allowed to leave the building, or not allowed to leave the country.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Perhaps you should educate yourself to the truth then?

greycloud ago

these ones are victims. but they are not 100% of the population of these girls.

many of these girls are allowed to leave. many successfully whore themselves out for a while, save a bunch of money and use this to travel to other countries to pursue their dreams.

this is not to say that many others aren't screwed over or even enslaved in a worse fashion. the girls who are rescued should be allowed to live the lives they wish to live. if they are barred from pursuing their dreams than they are just slaves of a different system.

Dalai_Llama ago

The word "slave" actually evolved from the word Slav because at one point in time so many Slavs were slaves that the title of their ethnicity became synonymous with a person held in bondage against their will.

Saufsoldat ago

And printed out and stashed into my little jew gold satchel.

Saufsoldat ago

So you admit to embracing lies then, got it.

Saved and archived for future reference.

Stalgondo ago

The Jews have changed little since ancient times.

Saufsoldat ago

"you people"?

You know, simpletons. People who think all the evil in the world is caused by one group of people.

What agenda? The fact that YOU PEOPLE can't silence the rest of us?

"you people"?

So you admit to embracing lies then, got it.

Saufsoldat ago

So you embrace lies? I'm just curios, usually you people deny those things, it's refreshing to see you be so open about the fact that you're liars with an agenda.

Saufsoldat ago

First sentence of the video description:

Over 4,000 young, beautiful Slavic girls are lured to Israel every given year

Also, it's the same in any other country.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Human trafficking report ranks Israel with 3rd world nations

US State Department annual Trafficking in Persons report paints grim picture of phenomenon, states 'Israel is destination-country for men, women subjected to forced labor, sex trafficking',7340,L-4088190,00.html

Israel ( The size of New Jersey ) Ranks #3 in the world in human sex-slave and trafficking.

Saufsoldat ago

So did you make a mistake or did you beliberately lie as usual?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Annually .... Are there 20,000 Slavic Females inside Israel that were trafficked in, and forced into prostitution?

Saufsoldat ago

According to your source, yes, in total. In the title you said every year. I'm just asking if you lied deliberately or made an error.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I didn't lie, nor did I intend to.

What is the exact number of innocent White European teens being kidnapped by ((( Russian Gangsters ))) and forced into prostitution that you find "acceptable"?

Does it matter that this is "America's Closest Ally" and "The Only Democracy In The Middle-East"?

Saufsoldat ago

I didn't lie, nor did I intend to.

You said 20 000 every year. A lie by your own admission.

KosherHiveKicker ago

20,000 are kept as sex slaves in Israel every year. All were trafficked, and forced into sex for shekels for their ((( Russian Gangsters ))).

Saufsoldat ago

And now read the title that you chose for this post and notice how it says something entirely different.

derram ago | :

Slavery Of Young Slavic Women In Tel Aviv, Israel (Israeli Programme) - YouTube

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