FuckYouReddit- ago

On behalf of my fellow Canadians.....I'd like to apologize.

jervybingly ago

Israel isn't anyone's ally. Your money is all they care about.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Democrats rate Haiti and Panama ahead of Israel. Lulz.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Ireland coming in at fifth is a joke. Lulz. Turkey is a closer ally.

Chalk that up to all the micks we have.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Republicans view Israel much more favorably than Democrats do.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

Sample size 7150 people. Conducted by online survey from yougov.com <- whatever the fuck that is. This would be a prime target for attack by the ADL.

Then again ADL does dump tons of money on the old republicans who watch TV. ???

Joe_McCarthy ago

Pretty simple explanation: Republicans are full of Christian Zionist evangelicals. Democrats are full of anti-Semitic niggers and Hispanics or people that are indifferent to Israel.