Oswy ago

Sticky thread, because, um... fuck you, that's why.

10432189? ago

I'm aware of Spain's Red Terror and its atrocities against the clergy. I just don't see how this is of special interest to American Nazi larpers, other than them generally not knowing much about the era outside of Nazi Germany.

kulturkampf ago

I am curious -- is the implied interest that these crimes against white Christians were all being done largely by other white Christians?

10426297? ago

Mind to expand on that?

ATX_1138 ago

By looks alone, more than average.

Kattie ago

On that page is that quote of Lenin that I remember:

A thorough-going internationalist, Lenin viewed ethnic or cultural loyalties with contempt. He had little regard for his own countrymen. "An intelligent Russian," he once remarked, "is almost always a Jew or someone with Jewish blood in his veins."

kulturkampf ago

  • No ethnic loyalties.
  • Intelligent Russians are always Jews.

Yeah, OK, pal. We know how that works. ^^

WD_Pelley ago

It's a total contradiction and it's telling when one of the most prominent Communists spouts off something so self-defeating.

Communism is meant to contradict, to confuse, and ultimately weaken and destroy civilizations.

KosherHiveKicker ago

  • Jewish Communist Leaders

  • Karl Marx

  • Leon Trotsky
  • Vladimir Lenin
  • Lazar Kaganovich
  • Yakov Yurovsky
  • Yakov Sverdlov
  • Moeisi Solomnovich Uritsky
  • Karl Radek
  • Grigory Zinoviev
  • Adolf Jofee
  • Lev Kamenev
  • Nikoli Bukharin
  • Aron Soltz
  • Genrikh Yagoda
  • Nikolai Yazhov
  • Lazar Kraganovich
  • Alexander Pavrus

Joe_McCarthy ago

Widely seen as the first Soviet government, the Council of People’s Commissars was formed in 1917 and comprised 16 leaders, including chairman Vladimir Lenin, foreign affairs chief Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, who was in charge of the People’s Commissariat of Nationalities.


Haven't looked in depth at those sixteen. My impression is that the Jews on it are much less than a majority though.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A more compelling list is the first Politburo that directed the October Revolution. That is where the argument for Jewish Bolshevism should be made yet I've never seen it even attempted.


Also the one in 1919.

Kattie ago

Out of the seven members (Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Stalin, Sokolnikov, and Bubnov) in the Political Bureau founded in 1917 we have only one Russian (Bubnov). Three Jews (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov), one half Jew/half Russian (Kamenev), one mix of Jewish/Russian/Kalmyk/Swedish/German (Lenin) and one Georgian (Stalin). This must be the government Putin talked about that was mostly Jewish.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, the thing is the Politburo was a Bolshevik party organ used to overthrow the government. Party as opposed to state in other words. And even it gives us a Politburo of a little over 70% if we count Lenin and Kamenev. Putin spoke of 80-85% which does not correspond to the politburo, the central committee of the party, or the state council of people's commissars. That means he was likely referring to Wilton and Shuyler - the standard go to guys for Judeo-obsessives like David Duke. Obviously they are contradicted by what we have seen on this thread:


The London Times correspondent in Russia, Robert Wilton, reported: ”Taken according to numbers of population, the Jews represented one in ten; among the commissars that rule Bolshevik Russia they are nine in ten; if anything the proportion of Jews is still greater.”

On June 9, 1919 Captain Montgomery Shuyler of the American Expeditionary Forces telegrammed from Vladivostok on the makeup of the presiding Soviet government: “… (T)here were 384 ‘commissars’ including 2 negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians, and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number, 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial Government."

Joe_McCarthy ago

And here is a list of the Council of People's Commissars. Trotsky is the only unabashed Jew of the lot.

That other link mentioning it has it as 16 members. This was the first actual government:

Chairman: V. I. Lenin - 1/4 Russian, Tatar, German, Jewish

Commissar of Agriculture: V. P. Milyutin - Russian

Army and Navy: V. A. Ovseyenko, N. V. Krylenko, P. V. Dybenko - Russians

Commerce and Industry: V. P. Nogin - Russian

Education: A. V. Lunacharsky - Ukrainian

Food: I. A. Teodorovich - Polish

Foreign Affairs: L. D. Trotsky - Jude

Interior: A. I. Rykov - Russian

Justice: G. I. Oppokov - Russian

Labour: A. G. Shlyapnikov - Russian

Nationality Affairs: I. V. Stalin - Georgian

Post and Telegraphs: N. P. Avilov - Russian

Treasury: I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov - Russian

State Property - Karelin V.A., Russian

Local Government: Trutovsky V.E., Russian


This 80-90% Jewish government business only looks remotely accurate with the 1917 Politburo.

DrumpfVoater ago

Eventually she was posted as a diplomat by Stalin, where she was unable to play an active role in the party, but lived longer than any of her comrades as a result.

Gender studies roastie BTFO! Stalin was smart.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Alexei Rykov - Russian.

Nikolai Bukharin - Russian.

Yakov Sverdlov - Jew.

Joseph Stalin - Georgian.

Gregory Zinoviev - Jew.

Moisei Uritsky - Jew.

Leon Trotsky - Jew.

Lev Kamenev - father was Jewish.

V. I. Lenin - 1/4 Russian, Tatar, German, Jewish.

Alexandra Kollontai - Ukranian-Finnish.

Ivar Smilga - Latvian.

Adolph Joffe - Karaite Jew.

Viktor Nogin - Russian.

Andrei Bubnov - Russian.

Felix Dzerzhinsky - Polish.

M.K. Muranov - Ukranian.

G. Lomov - Russian.

Stepan Shaumyan - Armenian.

Jānis K. Bērziņš - Latvian.

Vladimir Milyutin - Russian.

S. Artem - Russian.

Elena Stasova - Russian.

Nikolay Krestinsky - depending on the source he was of Russian, Ukranian, or Jewish origins.

Prokofy Dzhaparidze - Georgian.

Grigori Sokolnikov - Jewish.

Aleksei Kiselev - Russian.