So I had this dream that I was in 2029 thereabouts and a lot pf people had already died. But it wasn't like a bad dream. So in the dream me and some other people were all dressed in white flowing clothes and one of them had a demin jacket on, just casually wearing it over their white angel-like attire which I thought was funny as hell. But it didn't really look all that out of place, considering. Anyway, so all these people had died and we were all there to do some ceremony to get people resurrected. But all the resurrections had to be done two people at a time.
So we were bringing back Bruce Campbell and Mireille Mathieu. They had died of something years before. But what was really weird is that I was the only one who knew who they were, one is a very famous B Movie actor and the lady is a very well-loved French singer/artist. But this girl in the demin jacket came up to them to give them some amulet and blessings and said WELCOME BACK CAPTAIN & TENNILLE!
Then I looked at them and was about to laugh but realized that almost anyone could mistake them for the Captain & Tennille. I sorta blinked and nodded my head a little as they looked at me then looked at all the people gathered there, with some confusion. Then I whispered to the demin jacket lady and told her that was not the Captain & Tennille and then told her who they are.
It was at that point I got that song stuck in my head! will keep us together...
R.I.P. Captain of Captain & Tennille. When you are brought back, I'm sure we'll get this identity crisis sorted out for both you and Bruce's sake.
draaaak ago
I have weird dreams too after pounding a box of wine alone in the dark with my 11 cats.
#canrelate #bossbitch #independentwoman #trusttheplan #takebackthenight #childfree #womensreality #iamanastywoman #healthyateverysize #effyourbueatystandards #stinkyfishpuss