23334416? ago

I wish europeans started doing this

23348124? ago

Why wont Q anon post Nigger-Facts? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3759138/23346625

23334214? ago

Good job

23334380? ago

Not the doctor, though.


23333447? ago


This why I check the comments first on a post like this!

23332765? ago

The communist agenda (((NAACP))) wants to say he dindu nuffin.

23333207? ago

What I want to know is how in the hell a nigger was allowed into Bugland in the first place?

23332588? ago

Didn't expect that photo!

23339505? ago

Tyrone! now it looks like big poo poo on floor, maybe Chinese eat and cook his sausage pee pee with fry noodle https://voat.co/v/Niggers/3758086/23337671

23332557? ago

I hope they couldn't re-attach.

23332495? ago

The front page has so much day brightening material. Ah. It's going to be a good Friday.

23483433? ago

Here's one to remember ' ChicCongoids ' https://voat.co/v/videos/3776101/23475297

23332663? ago

Recycled shit you mean?

23332077? ago

Looks like someone left a small turd on the ground

23332543? ago

It's a piece of coal.

23332177? ago

4chan culture, best meme.... why is it SHITTED.COM? https://i1.yuki.la/4/82/4187ffdfe6b0c758d4831590140100698334784c14b6c2080756f22c707c5824.jpg For at least a year or longer there have been jew paid shills that come onto those boards to spam blacked.com and race mixer interracial sex u mad whiteboi threads. Posting pics of these coalburning whores that are paid to degrade and demean themselves by allowing these monkeys access to their worn out used holes.

23334709? ago


23334328? ago

That is fucking comedy gold. xD

23332722? ago

God! Please put a warning on that shit.

23332041? ago

say what you will about the Chinese but at least they protect their own.

23334138? ago

They engineered and built the pyramids you know https://voat.co/v/Niggers/3757709/23333482

23332097? ago

Eh, they protect their own when it's convenient to them ( maybe this is being pushed as propaganda), or when it involves someone else beating or hurting your children or lots of children.

Every other time, like watching a kid get abducted in the street, or watching someone on a bike get hit by a truck, the chinks don't give a flying fuck and continue on their day.

Let's not give the bug people more credit then they deserve.

23335253? ago

Yeah idk why white people are always trying to put non whites on a pedestal like that. "They take care of their own" meanwhile those whites aren't taking care of their own

23348118? ago

23332182? ago

but that's chink-on-chink... that's the "mind your business" mentality - but if an outsider attacks one, they team up against the outside.

23331863? ago

What would the SJW perverts say?

23331874? ago

... What would the SJW perverts say?

23331893? ago

23334747? ago

Don't forget his alt, @Dark_Shroud. Pretty sure they never post at the same time, and even the username is also created with the dash in the middle. He seems to use it to push less offensive material than usual, but still, that guy can go fuck off.