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21902786? ago

smoke some more dope ya fukn loser

21962069? ago

Whats with the sudden negroid worship at voat?

21962115? ago

You couldn't appreciate the humor?

21962099? ago

A mob of moronic will cosume any shit media. You also see it in the adult entertainment industry, Jew merchants selling the USA this disgusting Blacked negro gangbang porno filth @blumen4alles @rspix000 ! shills everwhere now @Truthsayer9000 @kingdomhearts123 @maaaxheadroom

21962251? ago

Star Wars was totally gay. There I said it. - Max Headroom

As far as the synagogue nigger goes I don’t know why the media thinks he’s a white supremacist. I’m really stumped on that one.

21962249? ago

u should transport me somewhere that I can't cause any problems from.

transportation is the worst.