21902786? ago

smoke some more dope ya fukn loser

21962069? ago

Whats with the sudden negroid worship at voat? https://voat.co/v/funny/3588519/21960871

21962115? ago

You couldn't appreciate the humor?

21962099? ago

A mob of moronic will cosume any shit media. You also see it in the adult entertainment industry, Jew merchants selling the USA this disgusting Blacked negro gangbang porno filth @blumen4alles @rspix000 ! shills everwhere now @Truthsayer9000 @kingdomhearts123 @maaaxheadroom

21962251? ago

Star Wars was totally gay. There I said it. - Max Headroom

As far as the synagogue nigger goes I don’t know why the media thinks he’s a white supremacist. I’m really stumped on that one.

21962249? ago

u should transport me somewhere that I can't cause any problems from.

transportation is the worst.

21902689? ago


what the fuck language are they even speaking

21903438? ago

Was going to ask the same.

21903621? ago

I couldn't tell, but man, I will tell you I am appalled that this level IQ is allowed to drive in the USA. Can you imagine niggers like that in your suburban neighborhood?

21969749? ago

The only thing boomers did was give hard work a chance. https://voat.co/v/askvoatanon/3589481/21969668

21972085? ago

It is all of our faults in varying degrees for letting subhuman ‘gibs me dat’ apeniggerjews run things. They are totally incompetent and the enemies of life.