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22136665? ago

Notice there's very few white men with black women?

22166910? ago

Seen his face before. @Niceballsnigga @folkov @AinzOown I doubt Asians gave him dual citizenship, he would probably fail reading, speaking and writing their language. He's a Negro ethnic type, Black N.American seems an ok actor not a hoodrat nigger, possibly some base-brat born in some military place in Asia. Mostly Congoid, Negro, Niger bloodline, possibly a small mix of other ethnicity, probably from Commiefornia the Nigga? I think I seen his face in a movie or on tv. Has a typical black name like Tyrone or Jones or Willians or something??

22168082? ago

Why do you anon fucks tag me in this shit. I don't give a single fuck about this sub, otherwise I would browse and comment here myself
