NoKiddin ago

Keep us updated on the story!, please I'm curious to see the new lows Sweden reaches with it's cuckery.

redwing14 ago

lol. damn, even a jew wouldnt dream of that..

Anzac5665 ago

They did this shit to themselves.

Reap what you sow

Skeptic5000 ago

Why they'd ever name a nigger as a minister of culture IN SWEDEN is beyond me. What a sick joke.

Madcat69 ago

I feel bad for judging all niggers for the actions of a few, but it’s becoming hard not to do that.

thirdsargon ago

I looked into it when it first hit the news in 2018. It's bad but not quite as bad as it sounds. There were political reasons, like trying to get a road built without going through some historical archeology process, and they were supposedly fairly typical artifacts of which there are many.

Jigganiggaboo ago

They said that a few years ago. Its good to remind everyone that this is what they want to do to you. They want to destroy our heritage, culture and Jew it all up

Orthalyx ago

It's Time to run them out. Violently.

YamaMaya ago

Ragnar wouldn't have put up with this.

SchwoogNite96 ago

Ragnar Lothbrok

"We never wasted our time on them. The had no gold, no plunder and their smell made them impractical as slaves!"

Ocelot ago

Imagine 9th century Vikings seeing their people today

Tyrone_Biggums ago

They probably kill everyone of the traitors.

YamaMaya ago

Im sure they would deny being related to these limp dicks they have for decendants.

cactusairforce ago

That. I really hope her order was subverted.

LeopoldXXII ago


RabbiPuttitout ago

There's none. This has been proven to be fake numerous times here but the idiots keeps reposting it.

RabbiPuttitout ago

HAHA Really? You probably watch cnn too.

SubSaharanBeast ago

Still awaiting your source. Moron.

RabbiPuttitout ago


SubSaharanBeast ago

It’s too easy to call out your bullshit.

RabbiPuttitout ago


SubSaharanBeast ago

Do a search, you idiot. On the other hand, if it’s been “debunked” all over the place let’s see a source for that. Of course you won’t produce such a thing. You cannot. Moron.

SubSaharanBeast ago

(((You))) are an idiot.

LeopoldXXII ago

Sounds about right. Voat gets stupider by the year

RabbiPuttitout ago

At one time there were some great minds here. Not so much any more.

RobertMewler ago

But did anyone follow her orders is the question.

cactusairforce ago

I really hope her orders were subverted

dismyassholeaccount ago

She's doing what niggers are supposed to do. Destroy everything.

AlternateSelection ago

Yep. If you can't fuck it, or eat it, the only thing left is to destroy it. Fuck. Eat. Destroy. That's the nigger way, every fucking day.

Cpt_Falcon ago


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